So I have a 2006 Citroën C2 1.4 HDi and the ABS light comes on.
Now it did this last year, then made a sound like someone clearing their throat, and the light went off for 7 months.

It has recently come back on sadly.

After some searching on these here forums, I found this: viewtopic.php?t=60829
Now my part has the same codes as in the link, and it's the same model car, so I know the part number is 9662150680 / 4541FX.
Now, I have found these two: ... media=COPY
And ... media=COPY
Would either of them work?
(I know the second ends in 380 rather than 680, so I'm guessing it's a no-go, but thought I'd ask about it anyway.)
For some further information; two error codes come up: P1351 $07e8 and P1351 $07e8pd