2005 C5 V6 Petrol Exhaust

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2005 C5 V6 Petrol Exhaust

Unread post by nw23 »

Hi, the underfloor catalytic convertor on my 2005 C5 V6 petrol has broken down and in need of replacement and the garage say the material has also blocked up the back box.
I have gone in search of replacements but I am having no luck with the back box at all - part number 1726 RP.

For the cat itself, it has become rather confusing! The part number is 1706 93

It would seem, from the hours I have spent so far, that Citroen gave the same part number to three designs of this part. Two valid for a pre 2005 model and one for the mk1 facelift model. All are, according to the sellers, for the ES9J4S engine which my car has.

The two I have found appear to be in two parts rather than just the one that my car has on it. Attached are the relevant pics.

I was wondering if anyone knew if either would be a suitable replacement? As they are for the same engine, I would have thought so, although, I don’t know if a pre 2005 model had four catalytic convertors compared to the three on my car? Also, I don’t know if they changed the floor pan design for the cut out to accommodate it?

Any assistance would be greatly received as I am drawing a blank so far. I have contacted service dealerships and Citroen parts people but have heard nothing back so far.

As for the back box, that would seem to be mission impossible! I would rather not go down the route of having to have a new one made if I can avoid it.

Another thought may be Peugeot parts as I believe some models have the same engine in it? If so, I wonder if anyone had any part numbers for Peugeot versions of these parts?

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Re: 2005 C5 V6 Petrol Exhaust

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

You already have the correct part numbers, however 1726RP has been replaced with a superseded part.
The original 170693 part is no longer available from Citroen, but there is a cheaper alternative available from the dealer.

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