Peugeot 207 CC ABS pump number?

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Peugeot 207 CC ABS pump number?

Unread post by alicesaffron »

My ABS light has come on my dashboard and after taking it to the garage they stated the ABS pump needs changing.
This is fine no issues - however I went to order an ABS pump from a second hand seller who asked for my abs pump number. They said I would need to order a new pump with the exact same number on the unit in order for it to work.
When I asked the garage if I needed to order a specific part number prior to this they said no ( #-o )

Does anyone know if I can find out the part number without taking it back to the garage? I’m unable to remove my wheel myself (which seems what needs to be done!)

Thank you :-D
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Re: Peugeot 207 CC ABS pump number?

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

My first thoughts are what evidence have they provided to you that it is the pump? What fault codes have they provided to you? Pop them up here if you can get them along with your VIN and we can check the faults first.

Second, If it is the ABS module itself, they are often programmed to specific vehicles and engines, especially of your vehicle has ESP. So what you have been told about having the correct part number is accurate. I must say, I'm not getting good vibes from what you're telling me about the garage you are using.....

Lastly, we can help with official part numbers, but this is a chargeable service we have to pay for, so requires a membership upgrade for us to respond to these requests (please see details below), so if you are sure it is the ABS module and can't check the label to obtain the part number yourself, you may want to consider this as an option:

We can help if you need an original genuine part number, part diagram or vehicle factory build sheet and can't already find the info you need on the Forum. For this service, we do ask for a membership upgrade for official parts data as we are in turn charged for this. It will cover you for future part number requests for up to 3 years, so excellent value.

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