Peugeot 208 robot gearbox adaptation problem SOLVED

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Joined: 10 Jan 2025, 11:49

Peugeot 208 robot gearbox adaptation problem SOLVED

Unread post by shchepetov »

Hello. I really need a help with Peugeot 208 piloted (robot) gearbox adaptation. I cannot pass it.
Gearbox is 20CQ97, BVMP.

Full story - i got this car as is, previous owner said that 3rd gear was not shifting well so they replaced the gearbox actuator and it "just needs programming". In reality i think many things have been done to it.

Clutch actuator seems to pass the adaptation but the gearbox does not. Does few movements and then stops with either "programming not started" or "check battery".
During gearbox actuator adaptation it first moves from neutral to the reverse gear, then up, down, few fast and short movements left-right, then back to neutral and stops.

What i have found and done.
Gearbox actuator had liquid in big motor connector, this caused Hall sensor to die (i think) - instead of 0-5V it was giving pulses around 5V only. Motor replaced and now provides 0-5V as it should.
Clutch whole assembly replaced.
Clutch actuator cleaned and greased, moves well.
Gearbox actuator cleaned and greased.
New battery.
Geatbox ECU seemed to have corrosion traces, so it was fully opened and cleaned. Big capacitors from motors supply replaced. Signals from all 3 motors (clutch and both gearbox motors) checked - they all arrive down to CPU.
All done with connected battery charger and even additional power supply connected directly to the gearbox ECU.
Also did the "3 min BSI reset".
Tried with hand brake on and off, with pedal brake on and off.
Also was thinking that gearbox mechanism is too worn and has too much movement, so tried to hold it nore tight during adaptaion - same result.

Tried programming using Thinkdiag (full version, like Launch) and simple Chinese Diagbox (9.85) - same effect.
Tried to do it from parts replacement section and from programming - same effect.
Car does not have any major faults, few from BSI and one from radio. From gearbox - only coherence.
The only thing i can suspect is the gearbox ECU but what can be wrong with it?
Any advise would be very welcome.
Last edited by shchepetov on 18 Jan 2025, 22:43, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 3
Joined: 10 Jan 2025, 11:49

Re: Peugeot 208 robot gearbox adaptation problem

Unread post by shchepetov »

It would be also extremely helpful if someone with motor piloted gearbox selector (like 2 motors) could record a video of how the actuator moves during the adaptation process (of course preferably peugeot 208 or citroen c3 1.4hdi).
This would let me know if mine moves in the correct direction / sequence and at what point / why it stops.
Posts: 3
Joined: 10 Jan 2025, 11:49

Re: Peugeot 208 robot gearbox adaptation problem

Unread post by shchepetov »

Problem solved
2 wires in gearbox actuator small motor connector sensors (pins 2 and 4) were swapped

Because im an idiot :) when checking the burnt motor sensor - i swapped them to check if its really sensor and forgot to put back.
Although sensors are kind of just to increase encoder sensitivity - apparently they also provide rotation direction.