Replacing brake lights

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Replacing brake lights

Unread post by JamieLeeWV »

I'm trying to replace my brake lights on my ds5 instructions seem easier enough in the manual, except the part where it says 'remove the two lamp fixing nuts. Given the access cover is tiny and in the most awkward place, does anyone know what tool is actually needed to remove these plastic black covers covering the screw?

I've tried plyers and to turn it but the access hole is that small I can't get any leverage and they arent budging.

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Re: Replacing brake lights

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

They can become stuck, so I'd be very careful, these being plastic, not to snap them, but I'd suggest putting a little silicone oil spray (not WD40) onto the thread and round the base and let this penetrate before trying again in a while.
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