Change the water cooling manifold 1336 x3 behind the engine 1.6 HDI in a Xsara Picasso

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Change the water cooling manifold 1336 x3 behind the engine 1.6 HDI in a Xsara Picasso

Unread post by Drawork »

Hi everyone, I'm new in the forum, I bought a Xsara Picasso 1.6 HDI with FAP 110CV in August 2022 and It has been working perfectly. I knew I had to do a couple of things like change the glow plugs or other things that weren't "Vital". The other day an error related to the EGR showed up in the OBD2 and I decided to solve both problems and clean the inyectors.

Everything is going very well, some glow peaks broke inside but I know how to solve it, some injectors had some leaks from the piston and there was plenty of black rubber, but it's solved now.

The main problem appeared when I was removing the EGR, there was a hose behind, a really rigid hose, it was unplugged and I just bent it a little bit to unscrew the EGR and the hose directly broke as hard caramel.

I've been doing my research and I need the piece 1336 x3, the water cooling manifold that comes from the water pump.

But I found this post viewtopic.php?t=62413 with a C4 Picasso that at some point, the manufacturers decided that it was a better option to use the LE-2015 (- 1336 V3(1) + 1340 72(1) + 6980 44(1)) instead of 1336 x3 both having the exactly same engine, pieces and everything.


Could someone suggest or help me with this doubt? Should I change to 1336 x3 or maybe "upgrade" to 1336 v3? Both are very very similar, it seems that the 1336 v3 version has some improvements from the x3 version but I can't find any updated car catalogue for Xsara Picasso or someone talking about how to change it, what piece to use, the best option, if a flexible option could be possible (flexible options are offered in AutoDoc, Oscaro...)

Thank you in advance to everyone
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Re: Change the water cooling manifold 1336 x3 behind the engine 1.6 HDI in a Xsara Picasso

Unread post by RichardW »

There seem to be lots of aftermarket ones available - the alternative part number may be a bit cheaper, and slightly easier to fit. As I said in that other thread, I am not at all sure how you would change this - got to be driveshaft out at least. I do wonder if you need to remove the water pump to free the bottom end.
Richard W
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Re: Change the water cooling manifold 1336 x3 behind the engine 1.6 HDI in a Xsara Picasso

Unread post by Drawork »

RichardW wrote: 23 Apr 2024, 11:18 There seem to be lots of aftermarket ones available - the alternative part number may be a bit cheaper, and slightly easier to fit. As I said in that other thread, I am not at all sure how you would change this - got to be driveshaft out at least. I do wonder if you need to remove the water pump to free the bottom end.
But, is the V3 version good for this model? I'm a bit confused because your information on the other post is updated to 2018 while all the data I found for my model is from 2011, and maybe the information that I found wasn't updated.

I've seen a lot of flexible alternatives, but I'm not sure about how good is to use this solution. Any suggestion?

thank you for your comment
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Joined: 22 Apr 2024, 08:19

Re: Change the water cooling manifold 1336 x3 behind the engine 1.6 HDI in a Xsara Picasso

Unread post by Drawork »

RichardW wrote: 23 Apr 2024, 11:18 There seem to be lots of aftermarket ones available - the alternative part number may be a bit cheaper, and slightly easier to fit. As I said in that other thread, I am not at all sure how you would change this - got to be driveshaft out at least. I do wonder if you need to remove the water pump to free the bottom end.

I've been able to change it without taking the engine out, it was hard, but I could do it, you have to put your hands in small places but it's possible.
I fit the 1336.X3, it was tough to put both screws, but it works well but... BUT! For some reason, the spare part wasn't exactly as it was supposed, and it contacted the EGR and melted the plastic... Yep, I have to do it again... Insane, I'm not sure if it's going to be better to use the 1336 v3 pr a new 1336X3