Wife & I both own Piloted Box Citroens. Mine a 12 Berlingo 1.6 hdi 8v, hers an 07 C4 1.6 hdi 16v.
Both cars can (and do) suffer from ABS sensor failure which leaves the boxes in an impossible 3 gears limp home state which is absolutely hopeless! I mean, I get the engine may need saved by limping, but in 3rd gear, on a high speed dual carriageway or motorway, we're limited to around 55mph at almost 4500rpm. That will most certainly NOT save the engine

My question is, can the gearbox be programmed to at least reach 4th gear to get it home at a more reasonable speed of 60mph at around 3000rpm.
I have had to get both cars home on the dual carriageway with 3 gears and at rush hour it is unfeasible at best. Pointless in any form.
Who's got the answer