DS3 Shock Tightening Torque

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DS3 Shock Tightening Torque

Unread post by rtakah »

VIN VF7**************[VIN obfuscated, can be read by forum staff]

Need the service assembly manual with the tightening torque value of the front shock. More specifically the shock absorber assembly and direction.

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Re: DS3 Shock Tightening Torque

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

I've moved this out of the parts thread as it's a technical issue.

We don't supply manuals, but here is the front strut diagram and the tightening torques:
rtakar shock.PNG
Tightening Torques:
rtakar shock b.PNG
ReferenceDescriptionTightening torque
(1)nut (Damper upper cup) (*)7,5 da.Nm
(2)nut (Suspension strut / Body) (*)7,5 da.Nm
(3)nut (Anti-roll bar rod / Damper ) (*)4,3 da.Nm
(4)Bolt-nut assembly (Suspension strut / Pivot) (*)5,5 da.Nm
(5)Bolt-nut assembly (Front pivot lower ball-joint / Pivot) (*)4 da.Nm
(*) Always to be replaced whenever removed

CAUTION: The "Low Friction" bolts (or nuts) (1), (2), (3) are only for single use and must always be replaced. All re-use is prohibited (risk of breakage). The bolts (or nuts) removed must be thrown away.
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