Citroen C4 Picasso (B78) 2014 - Head Unit configuration file

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Citroen C4 Picasso (B78) 2014 - Head Unit configuration file

Unread post by danlat1415 »

I have a 2014 Citroen C4 Picasso (B78)
VIN - VF7**************[VIN obfuscated, can be read by forum staff]

I updated the SMEG+ head unit system to firmware version 5.43.A.R2 a couple of years ago, and I know that it's meant to be connected to Diagbox by a dealer to have the configuration file updated (via a live connected version of Diagbox)
(I heard it has something to do with Bluetooth, but I don't know).

This is now the only fault remaining on my Diagbox scan - and I was hoping to finally get this fixed/removed.

I try clearing the code but it remains.

Is there any way to permanently remove the fault, or to fix the configuration file that it seems to be requesting?
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Re: Citroen C4 Picasso (B78) 2014 - Head Unit configuration file

Unread post by Paul-R »

I don't know what error you have or what code it is throwing up but a configuration file requirement should not throw up an error code. It's similar to setting your new TV to minimise the synchronisation delay between vision and sound. It's a configuration change, not an error.

Mirascripts my be able to change the Bluetooth delay but I have no information on how to do this.
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Re: Citroen C4 Picasso (B78) 2014 - Head Unit configuration file

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

We'd need the actual fault code to determine what the issue is. Pop up the fault from Diagbox.
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Re: Citroen C4 Picasso (B78) 2014 - Head Unit configuration file

Unread post by danlat1415 »

I get 2 different error codes relating to it;

Instrument Panel;
State of ECU - CIROCCO
Reference 1: 9806552180
Faults present: 1
B1003 : Fault: secure configuration faulty
Characterisation: Absence of configuration
Status: present
Location: local
Variables associated with the fault

Telematic unit (RTx) or audio-navigation
State of ECU - ECU not recognised
Reference 1:
Faults present: 1
F300 : calibration file downloading fault
Characterisation: not characterised
Location: local
Variables associated with the fault
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Re: Citroen C4 Picasso (B78) 2014 - Head Unit configuration file

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Ok, so these are both configuration faults of the telematics unit and it needs a dealer configuration in connected mode to either check the configuration or to apply a calibration file. It's basically locked in secure mode which means you can't do it yourself as it needs connected access.
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Re: Citroen C4 Picasso (B78) 2014 - Head Unit configuration file

Unread post by danlat1415 »

I thought that was the case, but I wanted to check.

It's not causing any issues with the system or the vehicle, so I'll leave it until it needs to go to a dealer (hopefully never).