Citroen xantia 1.8 16v fuel

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Citroen xantia 1.8 16v fuel

Unread post by August »

Can someone give me diagram or explain whole fuel lines system that is running near fuel filler neck

I have a fuel leak from that area and dont know which lines do what and where they go

Thank you in advance

Car: 1999 citroen xantia manual 1.8 16v
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Joined: 27 Jul 2021, 13:59

Re: Citroen xantia 1.8 16v fuel

Unread post by August »

The fuel SEEMS to be leaking out of gatered line near filler neck.. im really confused what kind of line is that and where does it go
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Re: Citroen xantia 1.8 16v fuel

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »


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