Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

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Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Just for members to be aware that based in the UK are offering a 10% discount to FCF members on any of their services.

The FCF does not endorse any company directly, but thought this would be of use to members.

Full details of their services and the discount can be found here:

Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

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It's, not
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

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gully.moy wrote: 31 Dec 2020, 17:48 It's, not
Now fixed
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

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Bought a expert tepee 2.0 16v hdi last year it's got message on multifunction display airbag or seat belt restraint faulty ?
PPS says no fault and I've removed plugs on everything soldered wires together still the same fault on display.
Airbag light on dash goes off when engines fired up so any help to explain would be greatly received.
There is a tapping noise on engine but think another thread s needed Thanks Simon
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

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No response ? 🤔 Thought some one would have known how to diagnose
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

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Seems like no-one knows. I would suggest contacting the company referred to in post No.1. They are in S. Yorkshire.
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

To be honest, it would be of more help if people can provide accurate information / warning messages:
it's got message on multifunction display airbag or seat belt restraint faulty a bit vague - which is it? Airbag or seat belt? What is the exact message? What year is the vehicle or better still pop the VIN up please (auto-masked on post submission).

A picture or the exact messages and which warning lamp (s) are being lit and which ones stay on along with a photo may encourage some help, as we are not all gifted in the art of remote viewing. :-k
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

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I've got the same issue coming up on my citroen ds3 2014 vin VF7**************[VIN obfuscated, can be read by forum staff]
The exact message that comes up is "airbag or pretensioner seat belt faulty" I've been told that I may need to replace the squib but is there a way to find the part number without taking the steering wheel apart?
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

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I think your best bet is to get it properly diagnosed with Diagbox for any fault codes. Not doing so it likely to cost in potentially unneeded parts.

There are approximately 92 possible fault codes for the Airbag and Pre-tensioner system, so you can see why it is essential to get it read with Diagbox preferably or a decent diagnostic tool that has the capability to read constructor codes. The warning lights can also mean other things dependent upon whether they light up with a stored fault code (obtained from Diagbox) or not.

A common cause can be disturbance of the wiring on right hand drive models where the airbag wiring is routed across the under carpet passenger side, which can cause issues over time. But this is purely a guess and we would need some fault codes to point you in the right direction.
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

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Thank you, I did have a car electrician run a diagnostic on the car as the car horn also stopped working. They advised that the message was related to some wiring that had come loose behind/within the steering, which is why the horn also stopped working and a new squib will need to be fitted. Will see if I could get the diagnostic code from the technician.
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

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Ok, so if you have had it diagnosed and suspect the comms unit as they were called, then make sure you get the correct one - these all look similar but are not and there are a huge number of these all designed for different vehicles with different electronic architecture and different options.

If you need help with the correct part number for the replacement unit, we can provide you with the latest live official part numbers, but we do ask for a Forum donation as PSA charge us for this data. The good news it that if you want to go ahead, your contribution will cover you for up to 2 years of parts requests and parts diagrams. :wink:

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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

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Hi Marc,

Thank you for the help and advise provided so far, if you're able to provide some help with the correct part number that would be a great help. I have made the required donation to help with this search. Thank you
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Hi, no problem and thankyou for your donation.
Winter Comms.PNG
The Com 2008 unit is item (1) on the diagram.

The Official part number is: 96773881ZD and currently retails at Citroen for £425.46 inc. VAT.

There are used ones available, like this one on ebay for £99 taken from a 56k mile 2014 DS3 with the same part number:

If going for a second hand one - try and get one from a vehicle with as little mileage or a later vehicle as you can, as this will give you some confidence on less wear. Make sure you only get one with the 96773881ZD part number though.

Also, bear in mind when you replace these, you will need to recalibrate the Steering Wheel Angle Sensor as you have ESP on your vehicle. Without doing this, the ESP system will throw a wobbly and deactivate all of these features. You will need a mechanic with access to Diagbox or another professional diagnostic tool with this capability.

One other thing, be aware that the audio and cruise control supplementary stalks are not usually supplied - unless stated, the existing units are easily detached from the module and reinserted into the new comms unit. I think the one in the link I provided is complete - so that will be good as you can just replace the entire unit.
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

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The cruise control and audio stalks can easily be removed (there is a latch on the back of them that can be accessed from behind). You will need to remove these stalks before unclipping the top steering shroud, otherwise you will be wondering what is holding it in place (you can guess how I learnt this!).
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Re: Airbag, Dashboard, Seat Belt & Airbag ECU Repairs

Unread post by Winter »

Thanks alot for your help and advise guys, very much appreciated :)