Does anyone know what happened to the original Feu Orange air fresheners? You know, the ones on a goldy looking chain that you stick a pin into. I want my car to smell like my Dads Cortina did in 1976. I want an air freshener that is so strong I need to open the window. I want to get in the car and be reminded of drinking too much fizzy orange pop and throwing up on the way to flamingoland as a kid. Anyway, rant over. Does anybody know where I can buy an old one, or better still a box of them as the new ones are crap!
The conclusion many arrived at is that the truly original Feu Orange, would be far too dangerous to produce in the more enlightened times we are living in now and couldn't possibly be supplied with a pin, and potential seepage of the highly concentrated liquid essence stripping paint from Volkswagen dashboards.
So here's the original.

Any memories provoked French Car forumers and what is your fragrance of choice and method of dispensation now

regards Neil