Berllingo 1.6HDi Faults P0093, P0087 and P0001

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Berllingo 1.6HDi Faults P0093, P0087 and P0001

Unread post by Philc3008 »

I'm new to this group and have taken on the task of trying to mend my son's Berlingo 1.6HDi which broke down recently and would not restart.
Car just spluttered and stopped with cloud of smoke behind. TRurned over but smoke coming from engine area. Fault codes P0001, P0087, P0093 seen when mechanic came.

Once I had it home, found that Injector 43 was loose which was probably where smoke/ diesel vapour was coming from - tightened up but still no good

Saw a post on this forum and so have changed the fuel filter but still no start - a coupler of fires but nothing else.

Any thoughts please as am reluctant to scrap it (which son thinkls)
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Re: Berllingo 1.6HDi Faults P0093, P0087 and P0001

Unread post by RichardW »

Welcome along

Have you checked the cambelt is intact? Really you need live data so that you can see which of crank signal, cam synch and fuel pressure is missing - although the codes are pointing to it being fuel pressure. Possibly the fuel pressure sensor or regulator on the pump has failed leading to no rail pressure.
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Re: Berllingo 1.6HDi Faults P0093, P0087 and P0001

Unread post by Philc3008 »

I have checked the cam belt and it is intact.
Next thought is fuel pressure sensor on common rail or fuel pump. Don't know where either of them are though!

A lot to learn
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Re: Berllingo 1.6HDi Faults P0093, P0087 and P0001

Unread post by Huskyxantia »

Husky. :? Thinking outside of the box is better than sitting in a dark one.
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Re: Berllingo 1.6HDi Faults P0093, P0087 and P0001

Unread post by Huskyxantia »

Husky. :? Thinking outside of the box is better than sitting in a dark one.
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Re: Berllingo 1.6HDi Faults P0093, P0087 and P0001

Unread post by Philc3008 »

Thanks for the responses and particularly where the pressure sensor is. A bit of a pig to get out I should think.
How does the air box come out please. And also where is the fuel pump if I find that it is faulty?
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Re: Berllingo 1.6HDi Faults P0093, P0087 and P0001

Unread post by Huskyxantia »

Fuel pump in tank get to it under backseat big nylon screw bung
Air box , bolt or screwed some are hex , youtube has tons of videos for these great cars.
Husky. :? Thinking outside of the box is better than sitting in a dark one.
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Re: Berllingo 1.6HDi Faults P0093, P0087 and P0001

Unread post by Philc3008 »

Thanks Husky