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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

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Gibbo2286 wrote: 11 Oct 2022, 20:51 A40 closed on my way back from Gloucester this afternoon, I'm told a serious accident between a motorcycle and a truck. :(
Happens all too often Eric. Had an acquaintance (best friend's brother-in-law, who I knew from childhood but haven't seen much since) killed up North near my mum's in November. Someone pulled out on him, he had a severe diffuse axonal brain injury and they switched him off a couple of weeks later.

The problem is that too many motorcyclists think they're invincible or unbreakable. They're not. I know damn well I am neither of those things .
There must be a reason why I've suffered only *very* minor injuries on my motorbike in 33 years of riding, all three of them purely my own fault for being a fool. I still regularly (daily?!) hit three figure speeds (kmh? mph?) and I love the acceleration of the bike, even if this one is a bit tamer than the last. I only do it where it's safe. End of. It may not be appropriate, it may not be legal, but it's safe. I've no wish to hurt myself.

I'm aware of the fact that if someone pulls out on me, none of that matters. I try and minimize that by doing simple things like slowing down approaching junctions and trying to make eye contact with the driver, and really slowing if I don't see their eyes. I've trained myself to go the illogical way if someone does pull out - aim for the back end of the car. Hopefully, it'll be out of the way by the time you get to it, and I practised and practised and practised and practised emergency stops in the wet and dry on all of my bikes. This new BMW has ABS and Traction Control and some stability thing, plus the best brakes I've ever had on any vehicle. It can still get me hurt though.
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

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Michel wrote: 11 Oct 2022, 17:04 I also got bored a couple of Sundays ago and went for a tour of puerile place names within a reasonable distance.. :oops: [-X
Raunds is worth a visit to bag 'Titty Ho' Mike...

I used to live in a close just off that road..

On your way, call in and see me, it's been too long and we need a catch-up... The welcome mat is always out :)
Michel wrote: 11 Oct 2022, 22:12
Gibbo2286 wrote: 11 Oct 2022, 20:51 A40 closed on my way back from Gloucester this afternoon, I'm told a serious accident between a motorcycle and a truck. :(
The problem is that too many motorcyclists think they're invincible or unbreakable. They're not.

You're right... I'm often bloody terrified when I see the antics bikers play on the roads when I'm out and about...

Perhaps to a lesser extent, the same applies to we cyclists too... I'm equally horrified by the antics some of those pull too...

Even amongst my fellow TT and Duathlon racers...

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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

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CitroJim wrote: 12 Oct 2022, 07:14 Perhaps to a lesser extent, the same applies to we cyclists too... I'm equally horrified by the antics some of those pull too...
You are not kidding, Jim. I play pool (for a pub pool team) on Monday nights. This Monday just gone I was heading to the away match, it was dark, and I was heading to a roundabout where I had to turn right. As I began the turn (I was indicating right) two cyclists shot across the roundabout, side by side, without any lights. I didn't see them until a moment or two before I made the turn, and I was already committed. If I had hit them the only thing that would have saved me from court was my dash cam. I have copied that footage onto my PC, but there does not appear to be a way to directly post video here (understandably, because of the amount of data videos take up).
ex BX 1.9
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

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I have a youtube account to store my videos on and mark them as for public display. That allows me to copy the link and embed onto here when I need to. Maybe worth it James? :)
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure!
I used to ride on two wheels, but now I need all four!
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

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As you say James... What you saw there is quite typical behaviour sadly...

I have some very controversial views on the subject that often raises hackles when discussed in cycling circles...

I no longer actively air them now as I'm in a very, very small minority...

Makes me embarrassed to be a cyclist...

Runner, cyclist, duathlete, Citroen AX fan and the CCC Citroenian 'From A to Z' Columnist...
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

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Jim, never be embarrassed to be yourself.
mickthemaverick wrote: 12 Oct 2022, 07:42 I have a youtube account to store my videos on and mark them as for public display. That allows me to copy the link and embed onto here when I need to. Maybe worth it James? :)
It is 3 minutes long, and takes up 274MB. This is because I have the dash cam set to 3 minute files (making it easier to find an incident, rather than trawling through a video 1 hour long!). I don't know if I can email it to you, as Google Mail has a 25MB limit.
ex BX 1.9
ex Xantia 2.0HDi SX
ex Xantia 2.0HDi LX
ex C5 2.0HDi VTR
ex C5 2.0HDi VTR
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Yes, I am paranoid, but am I paranoid ENOUGH?
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

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:-D I meant you could open a similar account and just use it for such needs! Or if you are on Signal you could send it to me that way but I don't do Whatsapp so that is not possible! :-D
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure!
I used to ride on two wheels, but now I need all four!
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

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CitroJim wrote: 12 Oct 2022, 07:45 As you say James... What you saw there is quite typical behaviour sadly...

I have some very controversial views on the subject that often raises hackles when discussed in cycling circles...

I no longer actively air them now as I'm in a very, very small minority...

Makes me embarrassed to be a cyclist...
Same here with bikers and me Jim, I avoid them like the plague. I've got one friend I ride with who's sane, but that's all. She's not a biker sort either. We try and avoid biker haunts as they're.. well, full of bikers! So many of them give the saner ones of us a bad name. I'm not claiming to be holier-than-thou on my motorbike, or even in the car.
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

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Hell Razor5543 wrote: 12 Oct 2022, 07:50 Jim, never be embarrassed to be yourself.
mickthemaverick wrote: 12 Oct 2022, 07:42 I have a youtube account to store my videos on and mark them as for public display. That allows me to copy the link and embed onto here when I need to. Maybe worth it James? :)
It is 3 minutes long, and takes up 274MB. This is because I have the dash cam set to 3 minute files (making it easier to find an incident, rather than trawling through a video 1 hour long!). I don't know if I can email it to you, as Google Mail has a 25MB limit.
Set yourself up a youtube account James, and upload them to that and share the links.
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

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mickthemaverick wrote: 12 Oct 2022, 07:59 :-D I meant you could open a similar account and just use it for such needs! Or if you are on Signal you could send it to me that way but I don't do Whatsapp so that is not possible! :-D
I also use Signal, You'll be hard pushed to get Alistair/James/Bob or whatever his name is to use it - it took me 10 years to get him to use Whatsapp!
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

Unread post by Paul-R »

Michel wrote: 09 Oct 2022, 22:14The C3 took us to Biscarosse.
Ah, Biscarosse. I go back many years with Biscarosse, more correctly Biscarosse Plage as Biscarosse village is set further inland.

I first went there with my parents in the mid sixties as they worked their way down the Atlantic coast of France from Normandy every summer holiday. We had holidayed in Arcachon the previous year and wanted to move further on towards the Spanish border. We arrived in Biscarosse Plage and my memory is that it was like driving into a wild west town as the road was very dusty (it mightn't even have been tarmacked) and there were small covered wooden stalls set back from the road.

We stayed in the Hotel de la Plage and it really was next to the beach. We didn't stay there the first year as they were full but did manage it in succeeding years. The kindest way to describe the rooms was that they had faded glory. The ceilings of the bedrooms were very high and I was fascinated by the bidet. I don't remember anything about the food so it can't have been very memorable.

I did love the beach though. The Atlantic breakers were enervating and there was always a cooling breeze blowing in from the sea. This was to give me some trouble a year or two later. We went down to the beach and I was warned to not play out in the sun too much as it's easy to get sunburnt. I ignored that of course and that night the sunburn started to kick in. I was screaming with agony and I could barely stand my mother touching me to put sunburn lotion on. In fact, for many, many years afterwards I would shelter from the sun in all situations and there photos of me at the beach fully clothed and sheltering under an umbrella!

In 1971 I was 19 and had a summer holiday job between college and university. It paid a fantastic wage. I worked for a sub-contractors in a fertiliser factory stacking 35(?) Kg bags on a pallet. It was two day shifts, two night shifts and then two days off. The shifts were 12 hours but split so that you worked an hour on and an hour off. In the six weeks I was there I managed to amass something like £440. This was enough to use up my entire tax-free allowance for that year. For comparison the current standard Personal Allowance is £12,570.

So, I didn't go with my parents and brother that year. My mother sent me a post card which I am so pleased has survived the years. The post mark is 10-8-1971 and I've scanned it in so I can post it.
The HdlP is the white building with a curved ground floor room (the restaurant) in the centre. Even in the few years since we had first visited development was noticeable. The main road had been tarmacked and there was a smattering of new buildings. To the right of the hotel you can see two buildings that were even closer to the beach. I thought they were quite spooky and looked, to me, straight out of The Addams Family or The Munsters!

The houses are both still there as can be seen in this 2010 Google Street view image.

https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@44.44365 ... 312!8i6656

The hotel is seen on the right in this image. The building has been substantially developed over the years and the hotel is now 4* with menus and prices to match.

I don't think I went back to Biscarosse Plage with the family as we continued working our way down the Atlantic coast through the Pyrenees into Spain and it was 1984 before I returned with my new bride for a few days on our 3,000 mile honeymoon tour round France. I was horrified by the amount of development that had taken place and it was so commercialised. We stayed in the HdlP where the bedrooms had been subject to some mild development. We had our first evening meal there. It was disappointing. The duckling was so tough I couldn't get a knife through it. I called the waiter over and demonstrated how inedible it was by being unable rip it in two with my hands! We didn't have a second evening meal there and moved on in the tour after that.

Our next, and so far most recent, visit there was in 1989. By that time we had had our first child together and touring had finished. We hired a gîte on the Ile d'Oleron and shared it with my parents and my brother. We went out for a day trip drive from there with my brother. There had been even more development since my wife had been there but, of course, the difference for my brother was even greater. He was suitably horrified!

I can see on Street View how much more development has taken place in the intervening years and I've no do doubt that the 12 years since that there's been more. Is that better? Mmmm, I do have a certain wistfulness for the 1960s/70s!
As I get older I think a lot about the hereafter - I go into a room and then wonder what I'm here after.

Inside every old person is a young person wondering what the hell happened.

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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

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I did intend to bore you all now with pictures of my holiday around Biscarrosse.. but I didn't take any of the town, so it seems.

I thought it was a lovely place. Paul - we stayed at Domaine de la rive Campsite on the larger of the two lakes, the turn-off from the main road is midway between Sanguinet and Biscarrosse. We did our shopping at the Lidl in Biscarrosse and the bakery opposite on the roundabout but we travelled up to Biscarrosse Plage, where the boys went for a surfing lesson. Went further up to Dune du Pilat, which is amazing, and it saddens me to think a lot of that area was badly damaged by the recent fires. Also went up to Arcachon one evening, also lovely. I could happily live there if I was still allowed to...
Day we left was.. interesting. Fitting the bar was easy. Electrics were a pain in the bum.
Day we left was.. interesting. Fitting the bar was easy. Electrics were a pain in the bum.
Made it to Dover with no bits dropping off
Made it to Dover with no bits dropping off
Boys on the ferry. Took a friend of Sammy's with us. Never again!
Boys on the ferry. Took a friend of Sammy's with us. Never again!
Love cruise control on the autoroutes.  Hardly use it in the UK
Love cruise control on the autoroutes. Hardly use it in the UK
Can't recall where this is. Last services before Bordeaux though.
Can't recall where this is. Last services before Bordeaux though.
View from the campsite beach
View from the campsite beach
Another view from the beach
Another view from the beach
Beach at Biscarrosse plage, looking South
Beach at Biscarrosse plage, looking South
Sammy surfing
Sammy surfing
Dune du Pilat
Dune du Pilat
Atlantic from Dune du Pilat
Atlantic from Dune du Pilat
I even got to go in the middle of Lidl and buy a socket set
I even got to go in the middle of Lidl and buy a socket set
Bloody expensive battery
Bloody expensive battery
Testing my schoolboy French
Testing my schoolboy French
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Frank the F800R

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*Warning* Sweary picture.

May offend some sensibilities. It is, as many of you are aware, how I feel, so I don't really care if it does, however I want no discussion or arguments about it. It is what it is. I'm only posting it because of the vaguely amusing story that goes with it.

We had stopped in a hotel in Saran overnight on the way down. When I went out to the car in the morning, I found the boys had been trying to help out by lowering the bike rack so Mrs. Michel could open the boot. What they'd actually managed to do was to tear out all the towball wiring from the plug. This led to some grumbling on my part, but, I kept calm and set about fixing it. As I was sat on the floor fiddling with it, two French workmen, who later turned out to be sparks, walked past and looked at me. They then looked at the item in picture below.

I love the French. I've never had one speak to me in English before I've embarrassed myself with my French. I find they then suddenly know enough English for us to communicate in Frenglish. So, I was a little surprised when one of these guys said "Ah, 'allo. I lyke yourrr stickurrr. Hahahaha. Tres bien, can we 'elp you?".. and they did too, then shook my hand and left.
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Frank the F800R

Unread post by CitroJim »

Oh I love that UK sticker Mike 😎😂 Top quality 😀

Ditto the French... Always found them lovely... I like their attitude...

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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Frank the F800R

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CitroJim wrote: 13 Oct 2022, 05:41

Ditto the French... Always found them lovely... I like their attitude...
Completely agree. We've lived here since 2005 and have no intention of returning, both kids are bilingual, sans accent, eldest is living and working in Lyon now. The biggest standout part of their culture that first hit us is the politeness. When I played football for the village I had to make sure I turned up early to the match and training and was one of the first there. If not it look 15 minutes to go round to everyone to say hello. The other thing that is striking is how there is no age barrier. Everyone talks together, there is no adult and kids table. We do live in 'cowsville' so it may be different in the larger towns and cities.
Notice the BX is still top the list but sadly gone