How to Replace the Internal MicroSD Card - RT6

This unit is the eMyWay system, also referred to as RT6, RNEG2, or WIPNAV+ for the Peugeot platform and made by Magneti Marelli.
Main Features: The eMyWay colour satellite navigation has high resolution mapping, Bluetooth Telephone & Audio Streaming supported profiles, USB support for Media files & CD
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How to Replace the Internal MicroSD Card - RT6

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Revised January 2024

Here is a possible and relatively cheap fix that may resolve some RT6 issues that can occur as a result of the internal MicroSD card starting to fail. Bear in mind that this may not solve your specific issue, but has been known to resolve boot lockups or the 'check in progress' error. Flash memory cards only have a finite lifetime until the NAND memory cells start to fail. When this happens, data can become corrupt, causing issues with the operation of the unit.

Be aware that this guide may help you avoid replacing the unit in many cases where the MicroSD card has failed, or is failing. It is not guaranteed to work for everyone, as each vehicle is different and the RT6 units may have different issues and problems that this guide cannot help with. Further, because V2.86 of the firmware is a major upgrade, there is always the risk that it may reset the RT6 to factory defaults that can't be resolved with Diagbox in offline mode. Success can depend on the electronic architecture of the vehicle, and the version of the firmware you already have in the unit before the upgrade.

If you find that after the upgrade the system is missing some settings or the controls are not working properly, and you have attempted to restore your user data back via Mirascripts, then you may have to go to the dealership and ask them to re-install the RT6 as if it was being replaced from scratch and have it configured to the vehicle. There is always a risk and we take no responsibility or liability as a result of anyone using the information contained in this guide - if you choose to use it, you do so at your own risk.

Mirascripts Part A

Important Note: Mirascripts The process of updating to the latest firmware (2.86) can likely result in loss of configuration options, parking assistance, ability to change system language or other options. This can leave the system with limited functionality. It is therefore important that you copy your existing RT6 User data files from your original SD card and replace them when you have completed the upgrade.

The utility to do this is called Mirascripts, link below. I don't supply any technical support for Mirascripts, but the utility is very useful for the RT* units:

Link to Mirascripts
  1. Using the link above, you will need to locate the 'RT6_MiraScripts' zip file shown in the table on the website and download that programme.
  2. Extract the zip file to a blank USB key formatted in FAT32. Make sure only the contents of the zip file are extracted, not the actual zip file itself.
  3. On the USB Key, enter the CMD folder and delete all the 'CMD' files except the RT6_USERCOM.CMD, which should now be the only file left in the CMD directory.
  4. You now need to remove the hidden Windows Systems files that are created whenever you insert removable media like a USB key as these can interfere with the RT6. To do this make a note of the drive letter Windows has assigned to the USB stick you have used above to extract the zip file to.
  5. I have written a batch file that will do this for you. Open notepad on your windows PC and then press the 'Select All' option on the code window below to copy all the code and then paste this into notepad.
  6. In Notepad, from the File menu, choose 'Save As' and make sure you change the 'Save as Type' option to All Files *.* as shown below and save as 'Remove Sys Vol Inf.bat' (without inverted commas). Save it to a location you can easily find on your PC.
    dos batch.JPG

    Code: Select all

    @echo off
    set /p DriveLetter=Enter Drive Letter and ":" to remove System Volume Information Files and Folders.
    attrib -a -r -h -s "System Volume Information"
    Rmdir "System Volume Information" /q /s
  7. When you have completed steps 1-3 and now need to remove the hidden system files, remember the USB drive letter and run the 'Remove Sys Vol Inf.bat' file you just created.
  8. It will ask you to enter the drive letter - so enter the USB drive letter, followed by a colon : , then press return / enter.
  9. This will remove all the hidden and system files, but be aware that every time you re-insert the USB key into your PC it will recreate these hidden files. So just run the file again to remove them.
  10. Now you can insert the USB stick into the USB port of your RT6 unit and start the vehicle. When the RT6 starts, it will look in the USB folder and will locate the script file and run it.
  11. When prompted, it will ask to execute the script, choose 'Yes'.
  12. The script will ask to launch the 'Write' command, answer 'No' to this.
  13. The script will then ask if you want to launch the 'Read' command, select 'Yes'.
  14. Allow the script to complete. It will then have copied the existing RT6 user files from the original SD card on the RT6 to the root of the USB key.
Keep this USB key safe as you will use it to restore the these files after the upgrade.

Upgrading the SD Card

The usual disclaimer applies - do this at your own risk:

You will need:
  • The latest firmware CD from your dealer (should only cost a few £s), as it is only a firmware update. The latest firmware version is 2.86B, but I know that V2.86 was part: 9691894880.
  • You'll also need a Torx 8 screwdriver bit.
  • A new Class 10 8Gb MicroSD Card, (although some people have successfully installed a 16Gb card to cope with the larger map updates)
  • A USB flash drive for Mirascripts
Before commencing, follow the battery disconnect procedure detailed below - then return here to complete the guide, before returning to the procedure to reconnect the battery as stated.

BSI Reset / Battery Disconnect / Reconnect Procedure

Pic 1a.png
Pic 2.png
Essential - disconnect the battery (detailed above) and carefully remove the unit from the vehicle.
Undo the 5 screws circled.
Remove the screws from the top cover and remove the tamper proof seals (this will void any warranty you may have).
Pic 3.png
Pic 4.png
Caution: Fragile ribbon cables attached underneath CD Unit
Gently remove the case.
Remove any screws holding down the CD unit - but beware this is attached with ribbon cables!.
After you have moved this away, leaving the cable attached,
gently raise the motherboard to reveal the MicroSD card shown at the side.
Gently push this in and it should release itself so you can slide it out as circled.
Do not put your new MicroSD card in a Macintosh / Apple device, nor a Windows PC! There is no need to format the new MicroSD card. If you put the card into a MicroSD adapter and insert it into a Windows PC, Windows will write "System Volume Information" files to the card and cause problems later. A MAC uses a different file system and can cause corruption!

Insert your new MicoSD 8Gb card into the unit and it should gently lock into place. If it came with a MicroSD adapter to use in a PC, make sure you remove the card from the adapter!
Replace the CD and case cover / screws in reverse order to disassembly.

Make sure you have your bluetooth phone switched OFF or disable the bluetooth connectivity before proceeding - you do not want a call coming in or the car picking up the phone during the flashing process.
  • Reconnect the battery following the last part of the battery disconnection procedure.
  • Have the firmware CD ready to insert as soon as the vehicle is started.
  • Start the car and insert the firmware CD as soon as possible.
The flashing process should start and take anything up to 30 minutes or so. Leave the engine running at all times - do not fiddle or operate any switches, gears or controls whilst this is flashing as doing so can send signals to the unit via the CAN network that can interrupt the process.

Mirascripts Part B

If the Firmware update has been successful, and if you find you have missing features or options or cannot change the system language, then you now need to replace the RT6 user files that you backed up at the beginning of the guide.
  1. To replace the RT6 user files, you need to locate the other USB drive you used at the beginning of the guide to which you should of copied the file to using the guide.
  2. Switch the vehicle ignition off for a few minutes to allow it to power down. Get in and close all the doors and don't press any buttons or switches.
  3. Insert the USB file with the Mirascripts programme on which should already have the RT6 user files in the root of the USB.
  4. Start the vehicle and wait for the RT6 unit to detect the USB. It should locate and ask you if you want to run the script - answer 'Yes'.
  5. You will be asked to launch the 'Write' script, answer 'Yes'.
  6. When the script has finished copying the files back, it will ask if you want to reboot or restart the unit - ANSWER NO. Instead hold down the CD EJECT button on the RT6 until the system restarts and remove the USB key.
If all has gone well, when the system has restarted, you should have your original options working.

I strongly suggest that after you have checked everything is working and configured to your personal preferences, that you make another backup of the user data files using Mirascripts. You can then keep the backup somewhere with a note reminding yourself of the date of the backup and the Firmware version installed from which the backup was made - in case you ever have another failure and cannot access the system. If you then have to repeat the installation after installing another MicroSD card, you will at least have a current copy of the user settings.


If all else has failed and you are still finding that the system is looking for boot media (CD drive constantly spinning) and you have a blank screen, you can as a last resort try disconnecting the vehicle battery overnight. In some cases this appears to have resulted in the system accepting the firmware one the battery is reconnected and updating successfully. You may still have lost some settings, but this will depend on each case and the version of firmware installed before the attempted replacement of the MicroSD card. Thanks to Rich2222 for contributing his experience of this, which may help others.
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Re: How to Replace the Internal MicroSD Card - RT6

Unread post by Jobeau »

Thanks Marc,

I am used to stripping down computers so I think I could tackle that carefully. Before I do so though I will take it to my Citroen dealer in Fareham for a diagnostic check.

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Re: How to Replace the Internal MicroSD Card - RT6

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Don't hold your breath - they'll charge you for a diagnostic anything up to £90 - and will only send these off for repair - about £400-500 minimum. There's nothing they can do with them on site and they send them off to the Clarion Centre or will try and sell you a new one at over £1k
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Re: How to Replace the Internal MicroSD Card - RT6

Unread post by Lynnzer »

Complete waste of money and time getting them to do a diagnostic check.
They know nowt about the units and can't repair them anyway. All they could reasonable say is the unit isn't working and needs to go to Clarion.
As Marc says, a repair would cost upwards of £400 if they can get Clarion to do it, and if not, a new unit will be around £1100 plus other services such as the setting up and installation. The £400ish repair cost is extra on top of the diagnostic check too of around £100 so it runs out pretty expensive. Clarion won't speak with Joe public so any repair, if it were possible would be via the local dealer.
If you followed the recommended procedure Marc has shown and it still won't run, then it's knackered. Simple. Best get a reconditioned one from the place I got mine. It was already set up with the VIN number so ran as soon as it was installed with no faffing about.

If you look on Google you'll find the full list of the manufacturers factories and service facilities. One of them may be who does repairs and if you can find out which one, then you maybe could speak with them directly about them repairing for you.
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Re: How to Replace the Internal MicroSD Card - RT6

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Yes - have to agree with all that 100% ^
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Re: How to Replace the Internal MicroSD Card - RT6

Unread post by ogis393 »

when do have to replace sd card ?What problem has to be?
Because i have problem in my car now (ds5h).Frozen screen, the light on and you can hear then fan is keep spinning or trying but nothing else is on( radio, parking sensor, map) nothing is on.
So ive been told from Facebook ds group that need changing sd card and using USB install new firmware and map. Plus they said that this is not a not whole unit (cd-player where sd card goes).
I had problem with reverse camera video or radio did not came on sometimes before it frozen,so i was holding (cd reject ) button for around 30s to restart system and last time i was restarting and it just froze...
thank you
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Re: How to Replace the Internal MicroSD Card - RT6

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Hi Ogis,
Welcome to the forum, but please, for security reasons, Edit your Profile (personal details) to remove your exact address. 'Hull UK' will do fine.
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Re: How to Replace the Internal MicroSD Card - RT6

Unread post by Lynnzer »

Hi Chris, you have more less the exact same problem I had when I started this topic at post number 1.
All the information you need is in the posts from there on BUT to shorten things, do a Micro SD card swap with new firmware in the recommended way as told by Marc. If that doesn't fix it, then you'll need a reconditioned unit I guess, as in the last posters topic.
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Re: How to Replace the Internal MicroSD Card - RT6

Unread post by stagwood »

GiveMeABreak wrote: 17 Aug 2019, 14:21 Yes - have to agree with all that 100% ^

I own a Citroen DS5 2013 which is encountering the same issues, the unit will work after it has been off for around 1 day, but other than that it will constantly cycles through the booting sequence.

Some advice on the above procedure would be greatly appreciated, particularly in relation to the firmware version i require for my specific car.


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Re: How to Replace the Internal MicroSD Card - RT6

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

What firmware is your current unit?

Start car, press SETUP button for about 3 seconds, then select 'radio-telephone diagnosis', then select 'Unit Description' and let me know what it says.
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Re: How to Replace the Internal MicroSD Card - RT6

Unread post by D0Z3R2K4 »

Hi all and I think I have the same issues

I seem to have completely lost my media,CD, Bluetooth, reverse sensors everything.. the screen flickers and then restarts. I have no idea what's gonna wrong.. everything had been great until yesterday. I can hear the fan on the cd unit continue to come on and then go off even when the car is off.

It's a 2012 DS4 Sport so obviously out of warranty etc..

Is it kaput!?

I can't seem to get any access do I try the new SD card and firmware update... I can't find what version I have due to no screen..

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Re: How to Replace the Internal MicroSD Card - RT6

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Overheating can cause these issues - the fact that the fan is on after the car is switched off tells you it is trying to cool the unit down.

Leave it overnight and try again in the morning - if it restarts, fine - if not then it could indeed be a sign that the SD card is end of life (they do not last forever as the NAND storage clocks are written and re-written to again and again).

If there is no improvement after leaving it overnight, try a BSI reset to eliminate any ECU issues:

BSI Reset / Battery Disconnect / Reconnect Procedure

If there is no improvement, then you have nothing to lose by trying the MicroSD card replacement - although there are not guarantees!

Just make sure you have a recent firmware CD or on USB - as this will recreate all the partitions and install the software for you. If successful, you may still need some of your factory options configured again to get everything back up, because a major firmware update can reset the Head Unit ECU back to factory defaults.
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Re: How to Replace the Internal MicroSD Card - RT6

Unread post by D0Z3R2K4 »

@GiveMeABreak Thanks so far :-D

i dont think its an over heating issue as if i go out to the car and unlock the doors (away all night) the fan starts doing the same thing all over again.

i started fiddling - (before the BSI tips) does this matter :( or can i still do it and start again?

the SD card does it have to be new (or can i delete volume as to remove fat32)

i have a DS4 2012 Sport with 7" screen so am i correct in saying i have a RT6 Magneti Mareli eMyway display?

do you have a link of the firmware upgrade procedure - what im supposed to expect - the reason i ask when i had the original problem i had the slight flicker of the Citroen logo and reboot ive swapped out the SD card with one that i deleted the volume - now i get no screen flicker #-o

do i put the flashdrive in the USB or a CD into the CD drive (im getting nothing on the display with USB when i turn on the ignition) [-o<

thanks for your help thus far.
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Re: How to Replace the Internal MicroSD Card - RT6

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Before you do anything, post your VIN here (it will be auto-masked from public view) so I can confirm exactly what you do have. I just assumed you posted in the RT6 section so did have an RT6 - but best to check first.
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Re: How to Replace the Internal MicroSD Card - RT6

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Ok I'll do it in a mo