The Berlingo is a "happy" car in the sense of that smile Cits and Pugs with transverse torsion bar rears, put on the face of drivers.
I understand that. The C1 is the same. I'd describe it as an excitable little spaniel puppy...addo wrote: The Berlingo is a "happy" car in the sense of that smile Cits and Pugs with transverse torsion bar rears, put on the face of drivers.
Excellentbxzx16v wrote:The berlingo is running faultlessly
Of course you can Mark. Blogs on any very interesting cars are permitted herebxzx16v wrote:Do you think I could work the Alfa into my blog? I'm pretty sure that would be updated quite regularly.
I could put that in my blog Mark, just change blingo to C1...bxzx16v wrote:Nothing to report on the blingo, it's doing its job faultlessly.