C4 screenwash jets blocking

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C4 screenwash jets blocking

Unread post by Maxr »

I just bought a 2023 D4 III coupe (5 door). The screen wash jets have just blocked up for the fourth time. The dealer I bought it from has been very helpful in replacing them, but my suspicion is that a past owner has filled the screenwash system up with dirty water, and that when I drive, the muck in the tank gets disturbed and blocks the jets - the filter at the top of the filler pipe looks dirty. The service manager reckons that's unlikely as he says there's a filter in the tank/pump area to catch any dirt particles that might do that. Any ideas? Thanks, Max
Steve Walsh
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Re: C4 screenwash jets blocking

Unread post by Steve Walsh »

I would remove the tank and flush it out, and the pipework. You are probably correct with the dirty water theory
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Re: C4 screenwash jets blocking

Unread post by myglaren »

Not even dirty water. Algae can grow in the tank, especially if the washers aren't used frequently, and block the jets.

As above, remove the tank and give it a thorough clean and back flush the pipes.
Hell Razor5543
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Re: C4 screenwash jets blocking

Unread post by Hell Razor5543 »

I had an issue where the car I bought had been parked up for a long while. This turned the screen wash jelly like. I would get a momentary spurt of water out of the main nozzles. My mechanic put an air line onto the pipe (after disconnecting it from a nozzle), and then blew it through for a while. This not only cleared the pipes, it broke up the jelly. We topped up the water, and the screen wash is working properly (and has had a couple of top ups since).
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Re: C4 screenwash jets blocking

Unread post by PaulC5 »

Until you have time to remove and clean the washer tank you could syphon the water out, fill again with clean water and repeat. Small diameter hose similar to brake bleeding can usually be fed into the tank, places like B&Q sell it. If you can get a garden hose into the tank you could flush it but chances are it would be too stiff to get round any bends. Screen wash additives can lead to algae.
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Re: C4 screenwash jets blocking

Unread post by Maxr »

Thanks all that's all very useful. Max