Relay 2.0 Complete Brake set up

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Joined: 05 Feb 2025, 13:48

Relay 2.0 Complete Brake set up

Unread post by MaJess »

Hi all,

I converted a Citroen Relay 2.0 H2L3 into a campervan a year or so ago and I would like to upgrade my braking system.

The completed camper van now sits at 3100 kgs, and then 3400kgs when full for travelling.
I feel that the van was not really designed to be sat at 3100kgs or more, at all times as far as braking is concerned.

So I am hoping to gain some advice on what's the best braking system / components to purchase please.
I've had one emergency stop situation and it literally felt like it took forever to stop, not surprising really with the extra weight.

Any advice is very welcome. I won't be fitting them myself but will purchase the necessary and get a garage to do the installations.

South Wales / Cardiff area if anyone has any recommendations.

Much appreciated