C3 Picasso not starting

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C3 Picasso not starting

Unread post by Brummy »

Hi all new to this forum as this will be my first issue with my newly inherited car.
2012 c3 Picasso which just cut out pulling off the drive, thought I had stalled it as there was no noise.
It had been sitting roughly 10 months due to dealing with family matters.
Got rac out and they suggested getting an auto electrician out. He said the wiring is fine without any shorts. Recommended a compression test. I was going to sort that this week but stumbled across this forum and thought I’d see what any experts might suggest.
Very low mileage at 35k
Hoping someone could offer some advice.
Thank you for your time.
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Re: C3 Picasso not starting

Unread post by RichardW »

Welcome along.

What engine is in it? My first guess would be the timing belt has failed.
Richard W
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Re: C3 Picasso not starting

Unread post by Brummy »

Thanks for the reply, it’s a 1.6 petrol timing chain but it’s only done 35k, I’m pretty sure it should be good for roughly 100k
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Re: C3 Picasso not starting

Unread post by RichardW »

Post up the VIN (it will auto hide) and we can check what engine is fitted. Do those codes clear, and then come back when cranking? Does it sound normal when cranked?
Richard W
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Re: C3 Picasso not starting

Unread post by Brummy »

I’m not home at the moment I will post the vin later, and yes it sounds ok when cranking it just doesn’t want to start, I haven’t tried to clear the codes as I’m not that confident with car repairs and wasn’t sure if that would make the task harder for the next person trying to repair.
Thanks again for taking the time to reply I’m very grateful
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Re: C3 Picasso not starting

Unread post by Brummy »

I just done a scan from the reg, not sure if this is enough info for you
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Re: C3 Picasso not starting

Unread post by RichardW »

The pic of the diag gives 5FW which does seem to be the Prince engine, which as you say is chain driven. However, no signal from the cam sensors still says broken / slipped timing to me. It could be a 5V reference issue, but as you have only these codes and nothing else, and a sparks has looked at it and come up with nothing, that seems unlikely. I would take the oil filler off and see if you can see a cam shaft, then get the engine cranked to see if the cam is going round. You've got a pic so clearing the codes will not do any harm - if they come right back then it's a circuit issue; but if they only come back at cranking then it's more likely a mechanical positional issue.

My money still on broken timing chain - but I'd be pleased to be proved wrong!!
Richard W
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Joined: 04 Feb 2025, 14:54

Re: C3 Picasso not starting

Unread post by Brummy »

Thanks for the effort richard, I’ve just ordered a new Obd, the one I currently have is a £20 thing hopefully the new 1 will give me some more info so I will wait until that arrives before clearing codes.
Someone did mention to me it could be a bsi issue and once I run through the procedure it could clear it.
What do you think about that ?
Thanks again mate like previously said I’m very greatful for the time spent replying