L/beam too high. H/beam too low 2016 C4

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L/beam too high. H/beam too low 2016 C4

Unread post by Traildog »

I've never had great performance with my lights.
Last night I notice that my low beam driving lights are really high, as in lighting the trees above me, I can't see the kerb or white lines.
And the high beams put a beam right down low in front of the car.

Just looked and seen the obvious 6mm alan key, which let me adjust the high beam height.

But I cant find anything to adjust the low beam driving light.

Both are H7 halogens, can anyone help or provide a pointer please?
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Re: L/beam too high. H/beam too low 2016 C4

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Don't try and adjust these yourself! Get it to ATS or some other place that does MOTs who should have the correct headlight beam adjustment checker and adjustment equipment. If you don't get it right you may cause an accident ....

There's also a high probability that the bulbs have been incorrectly fitted which can cause major alignment issues. Also make sure you headlamp adjustment switch on the dash it set at '0' when not carrying luggage or heavy loads, unless you have automatic adjustment.
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Re: L/beam too high. H/beam too low 2016 C4

Unread post by Traildog »

Indeed, I'm not the main driver and we have a overnight trip tomorrow.
I've had the bulbs checked. And the high beam I've lifted off the floor!
But the dipped will have to be sorted. It was like this four years ago and I thought it was me.
In the light fog the NS beamed up and to the right. And the OS went straight and up. So upward it lit tree tops?
Odd that its passed all it's MOT's

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Re: L/beam too high. H/beam too low 2016 C4

Unread post by RichardW »

There's only likely to be one adjuster to set the low beam height, as this is the one that matters / is checked at MOT. It almost sounds as if the bulbs are working the wrong way around, so something odd is going on. The outer bulbs should be on for dip and both for high. Generally the lights on the MK2 Picasso are not that great - certainly not as good as the MK1 - so seems odd yours are sky high [and it hasn't failed an MOT].
Richard W
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Re: L/beam too high. H/beam too low 2016 C4

Unread post by Traildog »

Just been in my garage, the height of the low beam at about 3 metres (car to wall) is about 2 metres. High beam is under a metre?

Interestingly the thumb wheel adjuster on the dash is 0 = high and 3 = low
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Re: L/beam too high. H/beam too low 2016 C4

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

These are what they should be:

To avoid causing a nuisance to other road users, the headlamps should be adjusted according to the load in the vehicle.
0 = 1 or 2 people in the front seats.
- = Intermediate setting.
1 = 5 people + maximum authorised load.
- = Intermediate setting.
2 = Driver + maximum authorised load.
- = Intermediate setting.
3 = 5 people + maximum load in the boot.
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