C3 2003 1.6i 16V Exclusive some extra doesn't work

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C3 2003 1.6i 16V Exclusive some extra doesn't work

Unread post by MazdasNorbi »

Hi all,

I'm new to the world of Citroen, so I don't have much information about the brand and model yet, unfortunately.

I bought a C3 1.6 Sensodrive model (2003) a month ago from the 1st owner. It was kept in a garage, the exterior shows the care, but he only use the car, so he didn't understand the technical side of it, so he didn't know what the service stations did a few times in the background... Missing, abandoned, or broken screws in the engine compartment, missing fasteners, etc. some non-working extras...

My car currently has some very annoying problems, but without a wiring diagram, I don't want to start taking everything apart:
- external electric mirrors doesn't work (neither moving nor folding)
- neither the cigarette lighter nor the 12 V DC socket works
- the light in the sunvisors (both side) doesn't work
- the 2 small reading lights in the passenger compartment light don't work (the middle one works!)
- the cruise control doesn't work (it makes a sound when I switch it from the steering wheel, but I can't activate it)

Can someone help me by providing the schematic diagrams for the above? The most important would be the wiring diagram for the external electric mirrors, but I would be happy to receive the rest.
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Re: C3 2003 1.6i 16V Exclusive some extra doesn't work

Unread post by PaulC5 »

The lights could be bulbs that need replacing, the 12 volt socket a fuse that needs replacing and the mirrors a broken wire where it goes between the door and pillar. Haynes do a workshop manual that includes wiring diagrams. You want the blue paper copy and not the autofix one https://haynes.com/en-gb/citroen/c3/200 ... trol-76427
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Re: C3 2003 1.6i 16V Exclusive some extra doesn't work

Unread post by MazdasNorbi »

Hi PaulC5,
thanks for your answer and book review.

I forgot to mention in my post that I checked first the fuses and bulbs with a multimeter; they are all perfect and work.
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Re: C3 2003 1.6i 16V Exclusive some extra doesn't work

Unread post by ozvtr »

I answered this over on the C3 owners forum but it might help somebody else here.

ALL of the faults EXCEPT the cruise control fault, are directly related to fuse F22 in the BSI. If you are sure that the fuse is OK, there may be a burnt out track in the BSI. I would check and recheck the fuse then check the fuse contacts in the BSI (possible bad connection at the fuse contacts). Probable failure mode would be overloading the cigarette lighter or 12V plug.

You will need a LEXIA or appropriate scan tool to track down the cruise control fault. There are a lot of things it might be. But the biggest suspect would be the steering wheel buttons (+ or - ).