C5 X7 2009 Release Fork Issue

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C5 X7 2009 Release Fork Issue

Unread post by HelioMV »

Hey guys quick one hopefully, some advice needed please.

The gearbox is finally out of my C5 X7 2L HDi 138 Exclusive (DW10BTED4) VF7**************[VIN obfuscated, can be read by forum staff] - I have a new rear main seal, SMF conversion kit, release bearing and fork to go in (and by the way I got the box out without removing that PS pipe :))

I ordered a release fork that claimed to be a SASIC 5400006 which conformed to the OE number "2117 65". Yet when I tried to fit it, the socket that engages with the ball on the gearbox to pivot is completely loose and too big. The old fits perfectly. The new one is the same dimensionally as far as I can see. The number on the new fork is "SASIC 220923". Have I been sent the wrong one? has a mod been made to my gearbox? Is my OE reference wrong?

Would like to order one off Mister Auto but having doubts about which I should go for now and what is what. Some of them look correct, as per original, some look the same as this suspect SASIC one. Could someone advise on what to go for here! The old is worn a little but would clean up, but I'd still rather a new one, unless anyone says that the old is ok? It's 12+ years old now. opinions appreciated.

Thanks guys,
