C4 Picasso parking assistance no sound (not beeping)

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C4 Picasso parking assistance no sound (not beeping)

Unread post by Vuk1987 »

I purchased a 2010 C4 Picasso a few months ago. When i bought it, parking sensor beeping worked, and since recently it doesn't, which caused my wife to hit neighbors car. There is a good indication on the screen, so I know that sensors are working, but there is no sound.

If I've read correctly the diagram the beeper (or buzzer, I believe it's the same thing) is in the steering wheel module.

Picasso buzzer.png
First thing, have I got it right? Does beeping come from steering wheel module?

If so, is there a way to test if the beeper is dead, or is it's just not getting signal?

Is there a way to test the beeper with some other function, or maybe with diagbox?

If the beeper died, can I just replace it, or I have to replace entire module? I have some electronic repair experience, I have decent soldering skills.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: C4 Picasso parking assistance no sound (not beeping)

Unread post by PaulC5 »

On our C5 the beeper was located somewhere in the left front door hinge pillar area low down going by the sound from it so if you are lucky yours will not be in the steering wheel module. For your car it might be this part but I am not sure https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/305641060194
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Re: C4 Picasso parking assistance no sound (not beeping)

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Paul - that isn't an official part - the VIN from the vehicle which they claim it to be from doesn't even have parking assistance from factory!
I suspect it is some retrofit or aftermarket item and not original.

@Vuk1987: The speaker is indeed located in the comms unit / control module under the steering wheel, so if you are sure it is this at fault, that's where to start looking.
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Re: C4 Picasso parking assistance no sound (not beeping)

Unread post by Vuk1987 »

Thanks both Paul and Give Me A Break (good man, always answering everyone, and such an expert). It's such a pain removing the steering wheel and all, but I guess I have no choice (apart from leaving it as is).
Some buttons on stalks don't work either, so replacing the whole thing maybe is not a terrible idea.
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Re: C4 Picasso parking assistance no sound (not beeping)

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

If it's gone, then I suspect you may need a new module - but I'd get a diagnostic done first.

Also check that the parking assistance ECU is working OK as this can also prevent the audible signal being sent.
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Re: C4 Picasso parking assistance no sound (not beeping)

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I took a look at docbackup, and it seems that I don't actually need to remove the steering wheel. So yabadabadoo. Will look int this and give feedback with the results in case someone else needs it.
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Re: C4 Picasso parking assistance no sound (not beeping)

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

See my edited post above ^
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Re: C4 Picasso parking assistance no sound (not beeping)

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Will Diagbox detect park assistance ecu problems?
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Re: C4 Picasso parking assistance no sound (not beeping)

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Yes, sensors and which one is faulty if any.
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Re: C4 Picasso parking assistance no sound (not beeping)

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Diagbox show no problem with parking assistance, but I could run a buzzer test in controls under steering wheel/actuator test. There was a sound, but it was strange and weak, not like the sound when parking assistance beeped properly. I'm going to take it off tomorrow, and try to fix the buzzer. New unit is over 400 euros, so that is off the question. If I could not fix it, I'll try with a used one.
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Re: C4 Picasso parking assistance no sound (not beeping)

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I'm confused. Is this the part where buzzer is supposed to be? Because I don't see it anywhere.
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Re: C4 Picasso parking assistance no sound (not beeping)

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

It's internal to the module - don't look for a traditional 'speaker' as you won't find it - I believe it's built into the circuitry.
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Re: C4 Picasso parking assistance no sound (not beeping)

Unread post by Vuk1987 »

But is it in this part? I start to believe it's not. I believe that it's actually in steering wheel itself.
Ok, so i'm looking for something like black cylinder thing, or something like that.
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Re: C4 Picasso parking assistance no sound (not beeping)

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

It's not listed as a separate part, so therefore can't help you, but these are often integrated into the switch module. Like this one on a 308 (T9):

But of course to replace this you'd need to take the steering wheel off to get to the comms unit....

I'm not saying you will have this type at all - it may be entirely different for your vehicle, but as they are not provided by parts (only the complete comms unit), I can't help you.
comms speaker.png
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Re: C4 Picasso parking assistance no sound (not beeping)

Unread post by Vuk1987 »

Ok, I'll just tako off the other module on Saturday, and look for something similar.