Rear wheel torx retention bracket ?

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Rear wheel torx retention bracket ?

Unread post by ozzdownunder »

Hi members, I have an issue with the rear passenger wheel alignment part. This is a torx part that secures the adjustment nuts. One has been damaged as per pictures. Not certain what the part is called or its part number. Do you recognise this part ? MYBE U HAVE A SPARE ONE? I am located in Australia. >>>>>>. Citroen C5 X7 Limited Edition 2014 HDI, Turbo 2.2L LT Sedan built 2014
CitroenC5X7_2014 Rear01.PNG
Citroen_C5X7_Rear wheel.PNG
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Re: Rear wheel torx retention bracket ?

Unread post by RichardW »

It doesn't appear to be listed separately. I can't really see how it's supposed to work, but appears to have been overtightened, stripping the e-torx on the end. Can't imagine the actual bolt is that critical - cut it off / drill it out and fit a normal bolt?
Richard W
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Re: Rear wheel torx retention bracket ?

Unread post by Stickyfinger »

Lump hammer one side, hit the other side with another hammer a few time (to get a "dead" hit) then use some mole grips to undo. Replace with a bolt.
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