C5 X7 electric tailgate broken - can I hack a fix

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C5 X7 electric tailgate broken - can I hack a fix

Unread post by davoxx »

The clip on the strut has broken, see pics.

I was thinking of trying super glue and cable ties to secure it, or is someone more knowledgeable than me has a better idea? Is it possible to change the plastic socket?

I'm not able to afford replacing it, 200 quid!! I'll try change it to manual if that's possible as struts are 10 each
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Re: C5 X7 electric tailgate broken - can I hack a fix

Unread post by wurlycorner »

Ouch, that's unfortunate.
There's a lot of load/stress on that point, so while it's worth a try with superglue/cable ties, I'd be surprised if it lasts. Hope I'm proved wrong!

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Re: C5 X7 electric tailgate broken - can I hack a fix

Unread post by Stickyfinger »

Superglue....NOT a chance.
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Re: C5 X7 electric tailgate broken - can I hack a fix

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

The tailgate is the same - but of course there are other components for the motorised version in play - but I can't see any reason for the standard struts to be used in place - but expect beeps and warnings if you do.
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