Talktalk nightmare!

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Talktalk nightmare!

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

I bought a new mobile phone transferred all the stuff from the old one by using a QR code supplied by Samsung (the new phone) next thing I get a message from talktalk saying my mobile use is suspended because I owe them over a hundred quid :shock: been on the phone to them for over an hour being passed from department to department in some sort of nightmare loop, can't get any sense, decided that after being with them since their inception it's time to move on.

Suggestions for a better provider needed.
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Re: Talktalk nightmare!

Unread post by myglaren »

I thought that TalkTalk was long gone.
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Re: Talktalk nightmare!

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

Yes still going but split into three parts last year.
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Re: Talktalk nightmare!

Unread post by myglaren »

I may still have a TalkTalk email address :)
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Re: Talktalk nightmare!

Unread post by mickthemaverick »

Difficult for me to be unbiased Gibbo. As I have had the same mobile number since 1983 when I started working for BT Mobile and of course it became Cellnet and then O2 I have no experience of any other operators. I can say that I have never had a problem with O2 of any sort and have a very decent package with unlimited calls and texts, 10gig data a month and I only pay £8.35 a month, there may still be some historical benefits included from a loyalty point of view!! :-D
Last edited by mickthemaverick on 31 Jan 2025, 16:05, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Talktalk nightmare!

Unread post by bobins »

I don't think there's anything such as a 'better' provider out there - they'll all do very well right up until the point where they don't. You might be lucky, you might not.
GiffGaff get a thumbs up from me - not for any great reasons as their service just works for me, but because you're only ever - effectively - on a month long contract. You want to change provider at the end of the month ? No problem, just cancel the recurring charge and move on - no hassle, no grief.
They are a relatively 'bare bones' provider, so if you want to claim your free chocolottofrappocini coffee after every 50 dozen calls or you want free vouchers to the cinema that you'll never use - they're not the ones for you :lol:
They use the O2 network, and they're web based and if you have any problems they'll guide you towards the very useful GiffGaff community in the first instance to see if your answers can be found there.

On a side note - I had to deal with TalkTalk a few years ago to deal with a deceased person's account with them. The conversation went something like this:

Me : "Hi, I'd like to talk to someone about dealing with a deceased member of the family's account please"
TalkTalk : "Are you the account holder"
Me : "Errr, no"
TalkTalk : "Well I need to talk to the account holder first, please"
Me : "You can't. They're dead"
TalkTalk : "Ummm, I'm afraid I can't help you then"
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Re: Talktalk nightmare!

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

I just got one of those follow up "How did we do?" emails, they won't be pleased with my response. :evil:
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Re: Talktalk nightmare!

Unread post by mickthemaverick »

On the subject of 'How did we do?' I responded with this today:

Hi Nas,
I thought I'd let you know that I will be ordering a pair of front shock absorbers next month to go with the mounts which you have dispatched at the moment. However I have been very irritated by DHL who currently have those mounts. I have been working in my garage, the door to which is less than 2 metres along my path opposite the front door with lights and radio on and when I popped back to the house for the loo I found a DHL card saying they had tried to deliver my parcel but had nowhere safe to leave it. You would think the driver would have knocked on the garage door which he could reach with one step beyond the front door where he posted the card. But no, now I have to wait until Monday or drive down to Enfield to collect it which I cannot do as I have no new front struts on the car!! So if possible please consider using a different courier, royal mail always works well for me!!
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Re: Talktalk nightmare!

Unread post by Paul-R »

Are you sure it's not a scam email that has happened to touch lucky to chime with your situation?
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Re: Talktalk nightmare!

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

Paul-R wrote: 31 Jan 2025, 18:58 Are you sure it's not a scam email that has happened to touch lucky to chime with your situation?
I did wonder but I don't click on links in emails, logged into my account at TT the usual way and they confirm the charge is due. :(
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Re: Talktalk nightmare!

Unread post by RichardW »

Presumably you have downloaded the new apps over mobile rather than wi-fi data. Easy done on a new device....

If the network TT use suits you then find another provider that uses the same and is lowest cost for what you need. Set a stop loss on the account so that it can't spend money out of contract. We use Lyca mobile as need EE here because nothing else works in the house - they are cheap, but their app and customer service are pretty pants, although it seems to be improving a bit.
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Re: Talktalk nightmare!

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Yes, another caution about that from me - by default on many phones the 'Mobile Service' for data is usually enabled, especially on a new phone, so make sure before you do anything to turn that OFF before doing anything else to restrict any downloads to WiFi only, or it will use your WiFi data which will incur any out of package charges and eat through an allowance very quickly depending on the number of Apps you had on the old phone. Some apps can be over 200 mb each or more, so you can quickly eat through any data allowance. Worse if you don't have a data allowance as that will rocket the charges.

I nearly got caught when I factory reset an iPhone and the default settings was to turn mobile data on - I nearly got shafted as I have call and message inclusive package - but no contract - and a very small data allowance just for emergencies and apps when out that I use when there is little or no WiFi.

Just be careful that even if you dispute the charges - don't ignore them or they will blacklist you on with the credit reference agencies if unpaid - or until resolved.
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Re: Talktalk nightmare!

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

Seems to have a changed this morning I logged into the account and it tells me I'm £40+ in credit and the mobile's working again as normal. :?
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Re: Talktalk nightmare!

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Ha! Looks like they've had a Barclays banking App disaster.....
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Re: Talktalk nightmare!

Unread post by CitroJim »

Tesco, piggy-backing onto O2 for me, been with them a long, long time and never an issue... Was previously with Vodaphone. I've had my same number since year dot and easily transferred it from Vodaphone to Tesco...

I also have a 'burner phone' on 3. Initially as a PAYG bit when that became unfashionable, went on a very cheap contract with unlimited almost everything. Again, no issue. Moved my number from PAYG to contract with no issue.

3 coverage is a bit sketchy in some places though. Often though, where O2 is a bit patchy, 3 is good and vikky-verkky...

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