Peugeot 308 Problems after Battery went down completely

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Peugeot 308 Problems after Battery went down completely

Unread post by fcfking »

There were a number of issues since the battery went down completely. Jump starting for few weeks worked and then decided to replace the battery. One of the times during the jump start, I remember receiving the message on dashboard "Electrical circuit fault, have the vehicle repaired".

Now I have replaced the battery and still receiving the same error message. I was not sure If I can drive the car. So I called roadside assistance and they came and checked. He told me that he did a BSI Reset. He asked me to take photos of the error code and said that they dont get involved with these issues. He told me it was safe to drive the vehicle to the garage and left. Local garages are not sure what this is.

Image attached for your reference. Any thoughts please ?

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Re: Peugeot 308 Problems after Battery went down completely

Unread post by xantia_v6 »

Have those faults been cleared and reappeared after fitting the new battery?
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Re: Peugeot 308 Problems after Battery went down completely

Unread post by PaulC5 »

Jump starting can cause electrical faults and I recall reading somewhere it can help to avoid spikes by putting on headlights and rear window heater on both cars before disconnecting the jump leads. If not done it is possible the ecu/other components can be damaged on either car. If people ask me for help in jump starting I will help them use my leads but get them to connect up between their own cars.

You might have to visit a Peugeot dealer to get it diagnosed and fixed.