Rear bushings

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Joined: 12 Apr 2023, 22:21

Rear bushings

Unread post by mvts »

I have a C5 2.2, Crosstourer 2014.
I have a question about the bushings in the rear suspension.
Both rear tires wear out quickly and I find the car sways at the rear, especially when you drive over a bump in the road.

I understand that there are many bushings in the rear suspension. But is there one in particular that usually has bad symptoms with my symptoms?

Posts: 7
Joined: 19 Sep 2023, 14:26
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Re: Rear bushings

Unread post by fuel__2001 »


Be useful to confirm it's the bushings. Its fairly straightforward to change them but is quite involved if your going to tackle it a home.

This clip is for a C4 but you'll get the idea