C4 blower issue

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Joined: 30 Jan 2025, 17:01

C4 blower issue

Unread post by Mcrorycolm »

Ok so the blower on my C4 grand picasso 2015 (1.6) works intermittently. Problems all stemmed from waterpump failure and full rebuild of camshaft, rockers, waterpump, belts, fan belt and pulleys. Car was also retaining water as the 2 relief holes under the wheel arch were blocked. With all these problems sorted now I'm left with this blower problem.
First thing I done was change the resister. No change.
When I switch on, the blower will work as per normal as it's supposed to. But when I start the car,the blower cuts out, it may or may not cut in when the car warms up and will continually do this working on and off randomly. I had the blower out and cleaned it but no different. The computer is just putting up a blower fault but could it really be a faulty blower when it works perfectly in the on position.... OUT OF IDEAS. 💡💡