C5 diagbox tire pressure monitoring settings

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C5 diagbox tire pressure monitoring settings

Unread post by ml11ML »

Hi guys!

I have returned to this lovely forum after many years of not owning a citroen, this time with a new to me c5 x7 (vin: VF7**************[VIN obfuscated, can be read by forum staff]).

I was reading this thread viewtopic.php?t=67337 specifically looking through diagbox BSI configurations for the setting that he mentions "With this occasion I changed the amplifier sound processing law from mode 1 to mode 3; definitely better, deeper bass, crisp tweets." in hopes of improving the (for a car of this luxury level pretty poor quality) sound and not finding it. I concluded that this is probably only for cars with the high end audio setup with the subwoofer and amplifier which mine sadly doesn't have.

Anyway to get to the point of this post, while in the BSI configuration I noticed the options in the attached picture. It was originally set to "direct WITHOUT display of pressures". The check button only shows the 4 corners with OK on the display. I changed it to "direct WITH display of pressures" hoping that it would show the actual numbers in bar or something for each wheel instead of just OK, but nothing changed. I didn't really dare try the other different options in case they messed up anything permanently. Can anyone tell me if I need to change anything else to make that happen or is this setting just for some other car or hardware configuration or what's up with it? I assume if it exists there must be a way to get it working somehow or they wouldn't have added the setting menu for it? It would be really cool to see the actual numbers.

Thanks for any help
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Re: C5 diagbox tire pressure monitoring settings

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

No - that is not a feature on this model.

I must caution you on playing with settings - or you may end up like several other members in the past that have complete bricked their vehicles by changing settings that must not be changed.

You forget that some BSIs are cross-range and therefore some settings were only applicable to other vehicle models and marques like Peugeot that have different display systems and functions not relevant to your vehicle.
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Re: C5 diagbox tire pressure monitoring settings

Unread post by ml11ML »

Ah, I see. Thank you Marc.

Somewhat disappointing but understandable.