MAF replacement, initialise auto adaptives? 307 2.0 HDI

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MAF replacement, initialise auto adaptives? 307 2.0 HDI

Unread post by quintet »

I have a genuine MAF which I purchased some time ago but never fitted, the car has had poor acceleration for some time so I'm thinking I might as well replace the current aftermarket MAF (fitted by a reputable diesel specialist...and fitting it fixed the EML anti pollution fault) with the genuine one I have but I can't remember if the auto adaptives need initialising after this?. I have a very unreliable laptop with daigbox 07.02 on it which is why I've never gotten round to fitting the MAF but this will be used if required (although i believe diagbox is not ideal for a 2005 {late spec} car) when I fit it. Could anyone advise if initialising the auto adaptives is required after changing the MAF?

If it doesn't cure the issue I've lost nothing and i can move onto the next stage, possible replacing the EGR valve but that's a mare to get to and I'm not currently sure if the now/old stock one i have is correct.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: MAF replacement, initialise auto adaptives? 307 2.0 HDI

Unread post by wheeler »

Whether you need to or not is ECU type dependant, Just select the menu & it will tell you that the auto adaptatives must be initialised after doing this or replacing that.