Radio help

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Radio help

Unread post by rnsmusic »

Hello all,

I’m having issues trying to change the radio wave band to AM or DAB but the options to change are greyed out for change waveband and under the options the choices I have is TA, RDS not AM or DAB. I believe I have the RNEG2.86.B model as this what the information states on the display.

I have a 3008 Hybrid 4 model.

Any help will be appreciated
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Re: Radio help

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »


So first be aware that not all RT6 systems actually have DAB. Only certain models had this. TA is only the Traffic Announcement available on FM stations IIRC.
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Re: Radio help

Unread post by rnsmusic »


Thank you for explaining that, any reason why i don't have the option to choose AM or why change waveband is greyed out?
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Re: Radio help

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Hi, sorry, I forgot to mention the RT6 didn't have AM as an option and if you check in your vehicle manual, you should only see under changing the band , that it refers to FM - as in FM1 or FM2, which basically means that you have one set of frequencies tuned in on FM 1 and another load on FM 2. The system can use a 'Diversity' function that basically scans ahead using the second FM tuner whilst you are listening to the other one and then switchover to the signal with the strongest signal.
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