DPF tank sourcing advice pls

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proace nightmare
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Joined: 22 Jan 2025, 21:44

DPF tank sourcing advice pls

Unread post by proace nightmare »

I've been crackers enough to buy a second hand proace which I now realise has peugeot guts. last owners weren't aware that needed DFP fluid additive so the pump has burnt out and I've had fault codes and diagnostics have sourced issue to the pump and tank

I'm trying to source a new one, struggling to find the product number

I've found a European part supplier as local toyota dealership could only order one in with a 4week lead time at a cost of 2k...

Can anyone help with a product code please from the VIN

2016 1.6l proace thankyou
Last edited by proace nightmare on 23 Jan 2025, 06:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DPF tank sourcing advice pls

Unread post by wurlycorner »

I recently had to buy a new Eolys additive tank for my C5 and bought it from these guys:
Give them a try?
It was the oem part (same manufacturer and their part number on it, as the original one that I took off). Obviously less expensive than buying from Citroen though :)

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proace nightmare
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Re: DPF tank sourcing advice pls

Unread post by proace nightmare »

Thanks Ian thats so helpful, did you do that yourself?! Struggling to find the part code
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Re: DPF tank sourcing advice pls

Unread post by LedZep »

proace nightmare wrote: 22 Jan 2025, 21:53 Hi
I've been crackers enough to buy a second hand proace which I now realise has peugeot guts. last owners weren't aware that needed DFP fluid additive so the pump has burnt out and I've had fault codes and diagnostics have sourced issue to the pump and tank

I'm trying to source a new one, struggling to find the product number

I've found a European part supplier as local toyota dealership could only order one in with a 4week lead time at a cost of 2k...

Can anyone help with a product code please from the VINYARXT9HM0DZ074551

2016 1.6l proace thankyou
In my opinion, since only the pump is faulty, this is the way to go.
https://3rgindustrial.com/en/product-re ... ence-88279

I suppose you will not find spare part number, as database of forum is for French cars only. The additive tank does not have complex electronic parts, just a pump and a small controller and sometimes don't even that. So, just find the s/n that is located on the additive tank, make the cross reference with Peugeot Expert and order the part from the link above (i noticed recently the don't have availability though) which is i suspect and the OEM supplier for Stellantis. Of course you have to watch out if it is exactly the same part as toyota's. I used recently Fap fluid from them, no problems for just 30€ when original had 99€. You will do your job for just under 300€.
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Re: DPF tank sourcing advice pls

Unread post by wurlycorner »

proace nightmare wrote: 23 Jan 2025, 05:25 Thanks Ian thats so helpful, did you do that yourself?!
Yes - it was an easy job tbh, though that will vary depending on vehicle of course.
If you can unbolt and lower your existing tank without disconnecting it, you may find the part code on top of it - that's where it was on mine (albeit I already had the part number and replacement beforehand).

'85 CX GTi Turbo s1 (met. blue)
2x '85 CX GTi Turbo s2 t1 (met. silver & grey)
'88 CX GTi Turbo s2 T2 (met. light blue)
CX DTR T2 Safari (silver)
2x '96 Xantia Activa (Black & met. green)
'01 C5 2.0 HDi LX Estate (Blue)
'11 C5 X7 3.0 V6 Exclusive Tourer