207 1.6HDi intermittent gear change issue

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207 1.6HDi intermittent gear change issue

Unread post by freddyokel »

My 2008 207cc 1.6HDi has an odd gear change issue.
Occasionally, when downshifting from 5th to 4th, the gear stick becomes floppy between 5th and reverse, but refuses to move left to the neutral position.
Giving it a 'wiggle', ie back into 5th, or even partially towards reverse seems to unlock this and the spring will now allow the stick to move towards the centre again.
Searched around and it's kinda documented here: https://www.peugeotcentral.co.uk/ftopic-545.html
Odd that this is also a CC, but mine certainly isn't new so dealer interaction is out of the question.
Any ideas?
Linkage, cables? The box?!?
The gear change is generally... 'notchy' but TBH it's quite pleasant.
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Re: 207 1.6HDi intermittent gear change issue

Unread post by RichardW »

My 307 used to do that, never found out why. Just got used to taking it out of 5th positively which stopped it happening.
Richard W
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Re: 207 1.6HDi intermittent gear change issue

Unread post by freddyokel »

You're right you know. It's certainly something to do with how I pull it out of 5th.
It's almost as if it's hitting the top of the reverse gate and something is locking it in a kinda of semi-reverse position (without engaging reverse) until it's pushed back towards 5th.