307 washer fault help needed

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307 washer fault help needed

Unread post by bsukram »

Hi! , both rear and front washer (same pump) gave up on my 2008 - 307 1,6HDi LHD , VIN: VF3**************[VIN obfuscated, can be read by forum staff]
All fuses are ok, located pump in right wheelwell , it spins when bypassing pump motor to a battery.
Connected a 5w lightbulb to the motor connector and fired off a long wash, no light.
trying to find connector/pins on the steering wheel controls to determine stalk fault , or bad wiring.
Have searched forums and internet for 2,5hrs and managed to come up with (almost) nothing, haynes was not helpful.
could someone please help with a wiring diagram /pin layouts or otherwise helpful tips on how to resolve?

Thanks in advance