Help with Peugeot 205 part number

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Help with Peugeot 205 part number

Unread post by xsaras4ever »

Hello to all.

We are converting our 205 (1.7d) from manual to power steering. We have the rack, the pump, the pipework and reservoir. We are doing an engine and gearbox swap too, so with the engine and box removed, access is excellent.

However, the original shaft from the column to the rack has a square connector with a bolt, whereas the the power-steering rack is splined.

So we need to replace this shaft and joint, but don't know the part number. We have a 205td also, and this appears to be splined too, so if someone has DocBackup, we could give them this VIN for search purposes.

Thank you in advance ☺
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Re: Help with Peugeot 205 part number

Unread post by Oldpug » Is this any good ? It looks as if there are two shafts, it doesn’t say how to tell the difference.??
Thinking back to my Peugeot days, I think you have to measure the length of the shaft.
Having said all this I expect the parts are no longer available from Peugeot. I’m sure you will find one in France new or used.
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Re: Help with Peugeot 205 part number

Unread post by xsaras4ever »

Hello and thank you for that.
The 2 part numbers mentioned are 410368 and 410399.

Locally on a website the parts are 4103A8 and 410394 at a nice high price.

I think I have tracked down a secondhand one. It's annoying because the square-ended shaft currently in the car is quite recent.

Interestingly, your link appears to be for a 205f , which are now getting rare and pricey, and we would love to find one of those at a cheap price...

Thanks again
Jumper 2.5d
406 Phase 2 Estate, Hdi
Fiat 500 (2009)
1997 Audi A3 tdi
Peugeot 205 td
Fordson Major Tractor
Nuffield 460 tractor
JCB 3cx
Fordson Super Dexta
Massey Ferguson 65