Peugeot 508 airco issue on driver's side

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Peugeot 508 airco issue on driver's side

Unread post by CasparV »

Ever since our local garage changed the ventilator fan for the interior, we have been facing issues with the airco on the driver's side. So far, two Peugeot garages and two general garages are unable to fix the problem.

Our car is a Peugeot 508 Féline from 2016 (VIN: VF3**************[VIN obfuscated, can be read by forum staff]), with a quadruple airconditioning system. The valves seem to be giving random results. In some cases, the system will give warm air, when the temperature is set to minimum. However, in one test, when turning up the temperature from minimum, the air flow started with cold air, but stopped altogether when I changed it to 17°. In any case, the temperature setting on the display never matches the actual air temperature. The other three modules work flawlessly.

One of the garages tried to synchronize the valves, but that did not work. Furthermore, there is no error message in the diagnostics. My hunch is that the controlling unit is malfunctioning, but I am not sure. Before I spend another fortune on a car garage, I hope to get advice here on what I can do.

Many thanks in advance.

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Re: Peugeot 508 airco issue on driver's side

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Check that the outside temperature reading on your display is correct, as if the sensor in the wing mirror is faulty then it will affect the climate control system.
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Re: Peugeot 508 airco issue on driver's side

Unread post by CasparV »

Hi Marc,

Thanks a lot for the suggestion. The temperature reading on the center display is correct, apart from the usual small differences.

Best regards,
