P1499, P0487 Air mixer fault - Too open

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P1499, P0487 Air mixer fault - Too open

Unread post by Rossico1991 »

Hope somebody can help me. I have a peugeot expert E7 tepee 2.0l hdi 165 Automatic. My engine fault light has been on and when the computer is plugged in it shows P1499 permanent fault -Air mixer too open. Its not causing a problem but i recently had to have my dpf cleaned and the guy said your dpf wont regenerate whilst there is a fault. So its the knock on effect its having. I really need a solution and cant seem to find any answers. Do i need a new air mixer or do i need a new egr valve?? Thanks. Checked all cables and plugs in the area and they look alright.
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Re: P1499, P0487 Air mixer fault - Too open

Unread post by RichardW »

Welcome along.

Can you read live data with the scan tool? What does it say about the mixer valve reported position vs requested position? If you can do actuator test, can you command it to move? It does sound like the valve is at fault, but needs a bit more data before committing to replacing it.
Richard W
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Joined: 06 Jan 2025, 12:57

Re: P1499, P0487 Air mixer fault - Too open

Unread post by Rossico1991 »

No thats just the information that i’ve been given from two diagnostics tests now. Both codes are the same message/fault Air mixer position incorrect - too open. One says after sales in brackets. Is it more likely to be the air mixer than the egr valve?