Boxer diagnostic woes :(

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Boxer diagnostic woes :(

Unread post by DaveS »

Hi all, hoping someone can point me in some direction here!

Vehicle is a 2.2 Boxer, 2015.

SO this all started when trying to align a new airbag ECU to my BSI. When connecting DiagBox to my vehicle, I get communication errors to every module apart from the BSI, ABS and ECM. Looking at the BSI parameter live data, I can see that all modules are connected and awake. They also disappear/re-appear if I pull the plug and reconnect, Does this confirm that all is well with at least the CAN lines? Should I perform resistance checks on each of these just incase?

Ive also disconnected all modules from the BSI, and just connected one with a previous com error, just to rule out a faulty module putting interference on the CAN network. No change.

Purchased a generic 1279 module off amazon and still no joy. Anyone ever had one of these modules DOA? Might be clutching at straws, but there is the option to grab a genuine PSA 1279 module, albeit for 245 quid almost.

Any other ideas?

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Re: Boxer diagnostic woes :(

Unread post by Paul-R »

What version of Diagbox are you running?
Is your interface a full chip type?
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Re: Boxer diagnostic woes :(

Unread post by DaveS »

Hi Paul,

Using DB 7.57

Interface is one of the VCX types from EasyDiagnostics. I'm not sure if these suffer with the same limitations as the cloned Lexia interfaces