2015 C4 Picasso - LH dipped headlight not working even post-bulb replacement

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2015 C4 Picasso - LH dipped headlight not working even post-bulb replacement

Unread post by SpaceTrash »

Hi all,

I've had my left hand dipped headlight die on me recently. All other lights work, including full beams and fogs. I've replaced both the dipped bulbs today and the passenger side is still not working. On doing some digging, it appears that the C4 doesn't have fuses for the dipped bulbs? Is that right (If they do have them, I certainly can't find them!)? Apparently, it works on the central trip system? I did have a new battery fitted recently, but the bulb had died before that happened. I did also receive a "check dipped headlights" error message, but I would have thought replacing the bulb would clear that.

Any thoughts? I'm a bit useless with the more computerised cars.