Can't code keys

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Can't code keys

Unread post by mr-white »

Hi guys got a 508 rxh estate in.
Seems it's had 2 new keys as the 2 keys i have don't have the emergency entry keys
But I have a separate bump key that must have been cut
Both keys will start the car but won't lock or unlock
If you don't have the key in the reader it states key not detected also does this if you open a door.

Had a locksmith out he reckons the 2 keys are possibly wrong.

As said car will start but in diagbox it say no communication with the handsfree units

I have the pin and have tried to sync the keys myself but to no avail

Any thoughts and happy new year
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Re: Can't code keys

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

It's highly likely these are after-market fobs and the internal electronics are missing, not compatible or the incorrect frequency. Therefore any remote functions are unavailable, The hands free ECU has to identify and communicate with the fobs which are emitting a signal all the time - to enable the hands free unit to pick up and authorise the opening of the doors via the various aerials dotted about the vehicle in strategic locations. This also goes for the remote locking and unlocking buttons and any third button functionality if present.

People often just buy cheap fobs as the dealer prices are more expensive - but expect loss of functionality unless getting a decent one that will provide all the functionality.
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