Coolant problem????

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Coolant problem????

Unread post by Seyon »

When I start my car, no problem but it does get to 90c on the coolant gauge quite quickly and after a while the whole car starts shuddering quite violently, I mostly have to pull over because of this, I have to let it to cool down otherwise it will just keep shuddering, also my cars fan does not turn on it’s just off at 90c.

(I suspect it’s something to do with the fan or the coolant)

( I own a peugout 508 Sw 1.6 HDI)
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Re: Coolant problem????

Unread post by Stickyfinger »

while the whole car starts shuddering quite violently

I assume this is coming from the engine as an out of balance fan would not IMHO make the whole car shudder violently.....have you opened the bonnet to investigate deeper/observe/listen ?
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Re: Coolant problem????

Unread post by darbuck »

I agree. You need to investigate further.
If it's overheating that fast you need to check your coolant levels first then when it has gone cold open the coolant bottle and run the engine check for bubbles if there is you potentially have a bed head gasket or internally leaking egr cooler. If no bubbles your thermostat could be stuck closed or your water pump has failed. You need to check for movement in the coolant tank for this rather than bubbling. Failing that you're fan could have failed but it should take a good while for the engine to overheat if it's the fan unless you are stuck in traffic all the time..
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Re: Coolant problem????

Unread post by xantia_v6 »

90° is not overheating, it is the normal running temperature. Does it shudder when the engine is idling, or just when driving the car?
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Re: Coolant problem????

Unread post by PaulC5 »

The engine fan should not need to run until the temperature is around 96°C. However, if you put the air con on it will then run so can be used as a check it will work.
If the shudder is not related to engine overheating it might be a sensor that goes faulty as it gets hot and once cools down is ok again. If there is nothing obvious under the bonnet such as air ducting loose, then you could do with a diagnostic.
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Re: Coolant problem????

Unread post by darbuck »

xantia_v6 wrote: 29 Dec 2024, 21:53 90° is not overheating, it is the normal running temperature. Does it shudder when the engine is idling, or just when driving the car?
I wasn't saying it was I assumed he meant it had started overheating. A diagnostic session with live data would help in determining the problem.
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Re: Coolant problem????

Unread post by Stickyfinger »

An engine only (99%) "shudders violently" when it is suffering a misfire....I would be looking at injectors or pump timing if I had to bet based on the very limited info we have been given
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Re: Coolant problem????

Unread post by Seyon »

It shudders while driving and also I have realised that the fan does not turn on at all, there is no fuse, I have checked coolant levels it’s perfectly fine it’s only when you go at 50 mph and above it starts shuddering and the car I feel that it is struggling.
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Re: Coolant problem????

Unread post by PaulC5 »

Is the shuddering engine speed (rpm) related or just road speed ? About 50 mph in 6th gear will be about 2000 rpm at best so try this rpm or higher in lower gears and see what happens. If it only happens at 50 mph or more then it might be drive shaft related or a wheel that needs balancing. When happening you could dip the clutch pedal so the rpm drops and see if it still happens - this will indicate better if it is an engine problem or not. I would also check all the wheels/tyres to make sure they are ok.

Note that the air con will not work at low temperatures, possibly below 6°C, to help prevent the evaporator freezing. So if putting it on to see if the engine fan runs make sure the outside is above 6°C.