206 1.4i injectors

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Forza Viola 72
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206 1.4i injectors

Unread post by Forza Viola 72 »

I need to change the injectors on my 1999 Peugeot 206 1.4i but cannot figure out the correct part number. Engine code is KFX
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Re: 206 1.4i injectors

Unread post by Oldpug »

GSF a car parts UK are showing Intermotor Injectors part number INT31170 . But, they are stupid prices ,by the time they get to Malta it would be ££200 EACH.
Check that number at your local parts shop.?
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Re: 206 1.4i injectors

Unread post by ozvtr »

Go to Aliexpress. Look up IPM001.
Overall I have found the Chinese knock-off injectors...not bad! I have had a failure rate of about 1 in 8. Considering the cost, this is more than acceptable to me!
You could buy 3-4 SETS of injectors for the cost of 1 original!!!
I would buy 1 or 2 extras...just in case.
Replace the entire set, not just 1.