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Unread post by Leonnh »

I currently have a fault with obd code of c1392

It has a host of lights abs, traction, hill start , spanner all in Orange

The vac pump was screaming and has been replaced along with 4 abs sensors

C1392 is calibration according to what I can sense

I’ve checked the volts on all 4 leads and are reading constant and correct

Any thoughts and how to do calibration without a computer ?

Thanks in advance
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Re: C1392

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

C1392 is Electronic stability program (ESP): Not characterised

Nothing about calibration - it's a non-characterised fault. You'll get all manner of warnings when there is a fault with the system as it's responsible for everything from emergency collision braking, descent control, hill start etc, as well as the electronic handbrake and ESP / ABS functions.

Suspect areas could be any of the following - because the specific fault is uncharacterised...
  • Hydraulic block ABS / ESP
  • Wheel speed sensors
  • Drive axles
  • Steering wheel angle sensor
  • Tyres
  • Magnetic targets of the wheels
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