307 2001 HDI electronics not working

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307 2001 HDI electronics not working

Unread post by AngelPalchev »

Hello i am 18 and i just bought my first car Peugeot 307 2.0HDI 2001 and it was working. My dad drove it home as i am waiting for my drivers license and it was a good ride of 30km. Then after a few hours the same night there was just a click from the starter. I recharged the battery but nothing worked. Even weirder was that all the electronics like wipers, headlights, AC, radio, turn signals and more of the things the driver operates dont work. Tge only things working are the hazard lights, the high beam and the lights inside the car. I need some help with this problem as for the starter we took it out with my brother and he said that it needs new brushes so i am going to replace them. It might help to say that there was a heavy rain and some water got under the hood but i didn't see the computer being wet or anything other.

What may be the problem that all these systems stop working at once? Thanks in advance for all the help!

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Re: 307 2001 HDI electronics not working

Unread post by PaulC5 »

If the car went in to ECO mode some electrical things will not work until the engine is started and running again. This is to stop the battery going flat.