Peugeot 5008 2018 cluster problem

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Roberts R
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Peugeot 5008 2018 cluster problem

Unread post by Roberts R »

Hi , does someone else have experienced display suddenly going dark?

It happened yesterday, then it was back on and now it doesn't turn on at all, whick is quite annoying.

I assume that the power goes to the display since the orange wrench is glowing on a startup and then disappearing when engine is running.
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Re: Peugeot 5008 2018 cluster problem

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

It really needs a proper diagnostic first as there may be something going on apart from the screen itself.
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Re: Peugeot 5008 2018 cluster problem

Unread post by wheeler »

I see you have some trims off around it, i'm guessing you have checked the connector(s) are securely plugged in?
Tried a BSI reset yet?