Tow bar and reversing camera

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Tow bar and reversing camera

Unread post by Juanmigel »

I have a Spacetourer with a tow bar fitted which I use for a bike rack. The standard setting seems to be to switch off the reversing camera and sensors when the tow bar is in use.
Is there a way of changing this so that the camera etc still works with the tow bar in use?
Not bothered by the sensors shouting at me just really helps to have the camera when reversing with the rack on. (this wasnt a thing with my last vehicle so wasnt expecting it).
Thanks for any advice.
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Re: Tow bar and reversing camera

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Sorry, no, this is by design and is controlled within the electronic trailer module ECU. The systems are linked so you can't have one without the other.
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