Paint Codes......older cars.

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Paint Codes......older cars.

Unread post by Stickyfinger »

Paint Codes, the changes to the mix etc.....

HOW can we overcome this problem (if we do not want to get scans done/the cost/time of scanning)

Are there any sites that document the "old" mixes that we can maybe supply to the paint mixers (if we are not looking at a full respray and only need a tin/touch-up)


A long mix history: ... i?code=EKL
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Re: Paint Codes......older cars.

Unread post by bobins »

Apart from getting an old set of paint swatches or working out if you hit lucky with a RAL code, it's going to be a bit difficult to accurately match the colours without getting the paint scanned. A tame local car body shop might scan it for you and give you the results.
One of the issues I've had with my hairdryer is that part of it has been resprayed inaccurately in the past, so if I go for the genuine Mazda paint mix - it won't match :?
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Re: Paint Codes......older cars.

Unread post by xantia_v6 »

I did once see a paint manufacturer web site that gave names and internal codes for each PSA code by year. Maybe I can find it again.