Citroen C5 2010 Instrument cluster died

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Citroen C5 2010 Instrument cluster died

Unread post by Mikkou87 »

What could be a reason for instrument cluster to suddenly die? There are no backlights, no speedometer, no fault/service lights, just complete darkness.
Car starts/drives good and driving lights and suspension etc works fine.
Center display also works, but the navigator has had wrong location for couple of days, i'm in Finland and my cars brains are currently in Africa

This has happened once before and that time everything just came back alive after 3-4 work trips

VIN nr. is VF7**************[VIN obfuscated, can be read by forum staff]

Should I try to reset BSI before anything else or is BSI unrelated to this kind problem?
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Re: Citroen C5 2010 Instrument cluster died

Unread post by xantia_v6 »

It is unlikely that a BSI reset will fix this type of issue, but it won't hurt to try it.

More likely (as it happened before) there is a bad connection in the BSI or in the instrument cluster itself which is preventing voltage from reaching the cluster.