Trolley jack rebuild Sealey yankee 2 1/4 ton

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Trolley jack rebuild Sealey yankee 2 1/4 ton

Unread post by makemine205 »

Anyone here rebuilt the above model jack, from the early 1980s model sealey yankee 2050 cx ?.
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Re: Trolley jack rebuild Sealey yankee 2 1/4 ton

Unread post by bobins »

I've looked at resealing a slightly more modern 3 ton version in the past and concluded I'd get around to it one day. An awful lot of the 3 ton versions are badged as different makes but basically the same underneath. It can't be impossible to overhaul, but I believe there are one or two pingfuckets lying in wait to relieve the boredom :roll:
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Re: Trolley jack rebuild Sealey yankee 2 1/4 ton

Unread post by Steve Walsh »

I rebuilt this one a few years ago, Not difficult or expensive, Probably less than ten quid for the seals, probably fleabay. and cheaper than replacing it
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